What could possibly go wrong on my first day at school?

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I changed into my uniform and walked over to Rin's apartment door and knocked. She opened the door wearing a long tee shirt and pyjama pants. "Hmm?" she questioned as I walked in. "C'mon get ready for school!" I said sitting down as she walked to the bathroom to change. She came out about 5 minutes later wearing the uniform with her hair brushed. She still had the wrap around her head from yesterday when she got hit with a vending machine. "Lets go." she says opening the door and looking back at me. I walk out the door as Rin slings her school bag over her shoulder and locks the door. We walk to school we talk about how we hope we are in the same class and what kinda clubs we are going to join. Once we get to the school, we walk to the office and get our schedules. "3A." Rin says looking at the cream coloured paper. I look at mine "3C." I say sadly as we walk to our lockers and put our stuff away. We walk to class together. When we get to the classroom we part ways as Rin waves to me and walks into her classroom. I walk down the hall for a few more steps and see my classroom as I open the door and the teacher automatically sees me and walks over as she says "You must be l/n f/n. Welcome to Raira Academy." She said smiling and leading me into the classroom as the whole class stared at me. "She really cute!" a boy whispered while the other nodded. "Yeah she really is!" "You can introduce yourself." The teacher said. "Hi! My name is f/n l/n!" I exclaimed. I bowed like they would in Japan.
"Miss l/n you can take a seat next to miss Nekota. And in case you need anything you can ask me.  " The teacher said as I walked over to the last seat in the second row from the left. Nekota sat in the last seat in the first row from the left. She waved at me. "I'm Nekota Mira!" she exclaimed " Nice to meet you l/n I hope we can be friends!" she said smiling. I smiled back "I hope so too!" I said and looked on the board where the teacher was writing a note we had to copy. I looked in my pencil case, "shoot! I forgot my pencil in my locker" I whisper shouted. Nekota leaned over and handed me a pink pencil with red strawberries on it. "Thanks!" I said beaming at her as she smiled and went back to copying. After class I gave her back her pencil and looked for Rin.

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