Following her path

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~~Travis's POV~~

I'm having a demigod dream again.

"I'm sorry Miranda." Katie whispers

Tears stream down her face she leaves her cabin

She runs into the forest

Everything was a blur until she reaches a house in a tree like a treehouse but bigger

I wake up startled and get out of bed. I look at the clock, it's only 6am.

"Travis, what's wrong?" Conner mumbles from his bed

"Demigod dream, need to see Chiron."

"I'm coming too." He tells me as he gets out of bed

We run to the big house

On the porch is Chiron, Rachel and Miranda

When we near we can hear snippets of their conversation

"She's gone.... Disappeared... Not at camp any more" Miranda sobs

"Miranda, what's wrong?" Conner asks with concern

Wait! Concern?

"Katie.. is.. m-m-m-missing" she stutters "no one knows where she is!"

"I do." I say softly

Everyone looks at me

"Demigod dream" I tell them

"Do you know where she went?" Chiron asks

"Yeah, she went in that direction. I say pointing over to the part of the forest Katie ran into "she's in a big house in a tree, not like a tree house though. It's a real-ish house in a tree."

"Go get packed and leave as soon as posable." Rachel says"you don't need a quest to go."

I walk off to pack

As I was walking out I herd voices from behind the cabin

I sneak around to find out what's going on

"It's all your fault!" Miranda sobs

"Miranda I'm sorry, I didn't know she would hear it!" Conner

"It's just... She might not make it back alive."

"I promise you that Travis will bring her back. I don't think he would let her die."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I know him." Conner says

He raps Miranda in a hug and kisses her head

"I'm sorry. I should of said what I said." He whispers

"I know you are." She whispers back

I get out my phone and take a photo and then walk away

"Travis!" Miranda yells running after me

I stop at the eage of the forest


"I can't tell you what you will find but don't make fun of it at all! Okay?"

"Okay... I won't make fun of Katie's... problem I guess."

"She'd rather secret. Don't make fun of Katie's dark secret."

"I won't, I promise."

"Thank you"

"By the way I watched what happened behind my cabin and took a photo, tell Conner." I say then walk off

Katie's dark secretWhere stories live. Discover now