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Don't worry guys it may seem a bore now but there is a whole twist ;) Enjoy

I look at my watch, five minutes left. I stare lazily at the petite clock in the middle of the class. We had Biology as the last lesson a double period, can you imagine. What are we going to talk about anyway?, I better not make it awkward like I tend to do when I go on these "dates". Yes I do tend to get friendzoned a lot!. I don't know why though, I mean I get that I am a friendly person and I do tend to go for guys waaaay out my league but hello a little show of...attention? would be nice.

The sound of the bell brings me out of my secret confessions and I nearly forgot about meeting Michael. I pack my bags quickly and wait for all the other students to get out. When the "traffic jam" clears I walk out and spot Michael leaning against a locker casually waiting. He spots me, gives me a short smile and walks over.

"Thought you were never going to come out, i was wondering if i got the wrong class." he said as he pushed his silky smooth hair back. I have to stop myself from sighing,i wish my hair was that smooth.

"Uh.. yeah sorry about that" wait why am I apologizing? "I mean, I'm not sorry since its not my fault that everyone took so long to get out". Great now he thinks I wouldn't mind wasting his time. "Not that I'm not sorry for clearly wasting your time...our time?..my time?...what am I saying" I feel like an idiot I look down in shame feeling myself going red.

When I finally get the courage to look up, I notice Him looking at me with a small smile plastered on his face. He walks up to me and wraps his arm around my waist.

"I love it when you get nervous" he whispers in my ear, lightly touching my ear with his lips. I shiver and bite my lip. "Ready to go?" he whispers again and I gulp.

"Yeah, I just need to get my books, I w-will meet you at the car" I say breathlessly and he lets go, I intently loose his touch.

"Sure" And he walks off. I let out a sigh realize the amount of stares I'm met with. While walking to my locker in fast pace I bump into someone and quickly apology not caring to see who it was. I take my books and shut the locker turning to the carpark.

"Amanda, where have you been, we've been waiting at the table" Cathy says and looks at the bag on my shoulder.

"Where you going?" Lexi asks.

"I'm going for lunch with Michael." I say trying to make it as casual as possible.

"What! and you didn't care to tell us?" They say at the same time.

"I am sorry I promise I'll tell you everything I swear, but I really have to go" I reply shamefully walking away slowly.

"Fine, but you better spill EVERYTHING" Cathy says and Lexi nods.

"Of course, I love you guys" I run back to them and give them a hug and kiss on the cheek. I begin to walk to Michael's car and see him standing talking on phone. I slow down my pace to give him space. He looked serious, like the first time I saw him. He turns and looks at me, says something on the phone and hangs up and walks to me.
"Ready?" I nod and he walks to his side and gets in while I do the same. While buckling my seatbelt I turn to him.

" Do you know Margret's?" I ask and he nods. "Is that where were going?" He nods. What was that phone call all about?, why is he so closed up? Was this none date going to be an epic fail? We stay silent as he drives to the destination. I look out the window and watch the trees and people outside. The car stops, I look up and see big sign written Margret's. He steps out and I follow. We walk in together and choose a table by the center of everything to sit at. As soon as we sit down a teenage looking girl came to our table and bashed her eyes at Michael but he didn't even glance at her.

"What would you like?" She asked.
"Bacon sandwich" We said at the time.

"Drinks?" She asked moving more closer to Michael. I instantly find myself trying to intervene.
"Orange juice, please" I say she ignores me.
"And you?" she askes Michael
"Apple juice" he says looking at his phone and the girl leaves while she shoots daggers at me.

"So...how this weather we're having?" WOW nice one Amanda what a great way to start a conversation. Gold medal for Amanda Collins. He looks up from his phone with a serious face then at the window.
"Okay" he replies.
"Well I think its a beautiful sunny day, I love summer what's your favorite season?" he shrugs.
I stare at him. His clearly lost ,his eyes were low and sad, I just wanted to go and hug him.

"Michael?" no answer. "Michael?" he looks up.
"Are you okay?" I asked sincerely. He nods and looks down on his phone with his walls shielding him away from everything, from me. I stand up and go to the bathroom just to escape the silence. As I finish washing my hands the waiter girl comes in. She rolls her eyes and washes her hands too. As I am about to leave she speaks.

"I really don't understand why you're with him, his clearly bored I know I defiantly would be" she snickers.
"You right." I reply stalking dangerously up to her until I'm just up to her face. "You don't understand." I speak sharply and walk away.

When I sit down Michael is halfway through his food. I munch slowly and try to eat as tidily as possible. Beginning to drink my juice I realize that Michael is done texting on his phone. Just as I'm left with one sip he drops the money on the table and walks to the door. I chug my drink down and quickly follow him. We hop into the vehicle and drive off. He askes for directions to my house and drives to my porch. When the car stops the silence still remains.

"Thanks for lunch" Silence. "I had a good time" I lie. Still silence. I let out a huff and get out of the car annoyed. I hear the tires screech and he drives off.



Updated finally. Vote and comment for more updates

Why was he such a downer, like really?

Love you silent readers

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