Poem 7: Who you Are

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You hate people who sing

In the shower unless

It's a song you like or

They sing well,

You like walking up to

Skyscrapers and looking

Straight up,

You love the smell of Bi-

Ro ink on Refill pad


You don't know who you are;

You're too scared to face the

Dragon in the closet.

But you hate to kill in-

Sects, even when they scare


And you're a terrible singer,

You're the best musician

I know,

You see the magic in

The world when no-one else does,

You cry for other pe-

Oples's pain,

Never your own.

You love to make guitars

From rubber bands and fling

Them at unsuspecting


Your smile is beautiful.

Your emotions intense.

You don't know where to go,

You change like a cha-

Meleon to please.

You always push harder

Than you can follow.

Your deepest ambition

Is to be six again.

And you act like it in

The snow.

Pushed and pulled, eroded

Until you’re one of the

Crowd. Mortally afraid of

Being Different. Meet the

Real you. Forget what they want.

The Teenager: A Poetry CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now