Abstract Affair-Chapter Three(:

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Hey Guys! So here it is. Chapter Three! Two Years in the making. Gosh, I suck huh?! I'm sorry guys. To those of you who are still reading this, you guys are awesome and to those of you reading this now, maybe for the first time or the third time, you are awesome! I'm very thankful to those of you who have taken the time to read this. So I'm going to quit going on about nothing, and let you read. Have an Amazing, Wonderful, Blessed day!!!(:


*Abstract Affair*

Chapter Three-

 I awoke from a blissful dream, involving a handsome dark haired fellow and piercing green eyes, and immediately shuttered.  I should NOT be having dreams about my new teacher, completely and totally not cool. I sighed looking at the clock. It was only five thirty in the morning meaning that I still had time to sleep but I’m too disgusted with myself.

I grumbled pulling myself out of bed, and to get ready. I took my hair down, and brushed my hair before jumping in the shower. I simply stood there for ten minutes just soaking up the warm water. Sadly though, I knew the hot water wouldn’t last. So, I washed then jumped out, wrapping a fluffy white towel around me. I ran to my closest, as to not freeze my ass off, and pulled out a pair of holy skinny jeans, a white long sleeved lace shirt, with a black tank top underneath. Then I paired the outfit with my super amazing black pumps.

I left my hair down and let it curl on its own, and sat down to do my makeup. I kept it simple today with a little foundation and mascara. It did not take me as nearly as long as I would have liked to have gotten ready; it was only six forty five. Boooo!!! Why did I have such a wonder dream about Mr. Adams? He’s my teacher. I mean yes, he is amazingly good looking and charming; but he is still my teacher and an arrogant asshole. Not Cool. Not Cool. Not Cool!

‘You’ve got a crushhhhhh’ I thought to myself in my annoying voice that I would give to Raee.

‘No I don't! Fuck you!’ I argued back with myself. Oh crap. Isn’t that bad when you starting talking and arguing with yourself?! Am I crazy? Maybe! Oh well. I want coffee: amazing, wonder, delicious coffee! I’ve got plenty of time before I have to go to school, so I grab  my keys, wallet, and jacket and head towards the garage.

The entire house is silent. There’s no one in the house but me, which doesn’t surprise me. My mother is rarely here and when she is. It’s not always a pleasant thing. I’m not a bad daughter. I’m a good daughter. I’ve done everything she’s ever wanted me to do, but my mom has never wanted to be a mother. She wanted to be a lawyer, and she’s a damn good one. However that’s about all she’s good for, and providing me with a house, and money and a car. She’s just not a lovable mom, but that is okay with me, I guess.

Before I leave, I send a text to Raee.

Bitchhhhh!!! Wakey wakey eggs and bakeyy. I’m getting coffee, and breakfast. Wake up fast or I’m not getting you anything.


It’s too early for Raee to be up yet. She likes her sleep and does not like being woken up. I hope she left her ringer on. I get into my car and start it up, listening to the car purr. Today is going to be a good day. I’m going to see Cole and Raee. Raee and I are going to eat lunch at Mr. Adams restaurant again, and I’m going to get the day by as quickly as possible. I hit the button to open the garage door when my phone vibrated.

‘ho. It’s not even seven yet. WHY ARE YOU WAKING ME UP?!?!?!?!? Blahhh, but anyway yes I would love Coffee and Breakfast very much so if you wouldn’t mind… I’m going back to sleep. X’ Raee replied. At least it was nicer then when I woke her up at five am. She called and yelled at me that time. I giggled and responded,

‘okii dokiee. Don’t over sleep there grouchy. See you in an hour.’

I put my phone in the center console and put my car in gear driving down the driveway. I loved this car. It was the best present from my mother ever. My father isn’t around, and hasn’t been since I was three. He upped and bailed on us. Mom has never told me why. I’m assuming it was because of her attitude. My mom has a terrible temper on top of a stress job. She can be a bitch; maybe she was just too big of a bitch to my father.

I dropped gears, shifting down, listening to the car yell as I went speeding past and idiot doing twenty under the speed limit on the highway. I drove through town listening to Pandora jamming and singing along with every song. Getting weird looks and stares as a teenage girl drove past in an incredibly expressive car. Teenagers with $100,000 dollars car are few and far between in this tiny little town. In a tiny town like this, you wouldn’t expect someone to make money like the money my mother makes, and she doesn’t. She does work here but not the entire time. She also travels and works elsewhere. I never know when my mother is going to be home or not. She sometimes calls to let me know where she’s at, or sometimes leaves a note. That depends on her moods thought. Generally she just leaves and never says anything, and I don't ask. It’s better that way.

I get to my favorite Coffee Place, Mika’s Cafe. They have the most amazing coffee and they are open twenty four hours, which is AMAZING!! I park my car and walk inside to place my order. This store is adorable and a total chick place. It’s decked out in pink, pink, and more pink. There has to be at least twenty different shades of pink in this store. Okay so maybe I am exaggerating, but there’s a lot of pink.

“Hello! Welcome to Mika’s! I’m Lily! What can I get you?!”  A bouncing blond girl asked as soon as I walked through the door. They were pretty full, but there was no one at the counter, thankfully.

“Umm, Can I get two bacon egg and cheese bagels and two large Carmel Frappes please?” I asked pulling my debit card out of my wallet.

“Sure, do you want anything else with that?” Lily asked, punching buttons into a register.

“Nope, that’ll be it darling.” I said handing her my debit card. She slid the card and told me to go stand at the far end of the counter to wait for my stuff. I pulled out my phone, playing candy crush as I waited on my drinks. I was one jelly away from better a level I have been stuck on for ages when I felt something extremely hot going down the middle of my back.

“Ow! WHAT THE FUCK!” I cry out, turning around to see who the fuck poured something hot on me.

“I’m so sorry! I tripped. Are you okay?”  A familiar voice said trying to pat down my back as I turned. I knew that voice.  I looked to see a very familiar face. One that I wish I had not. So much for a great day, damn. 

So what do you think? Did I do good? Or does it suck? Be honest. I love your thoughts so let me know. I should have more for you soon! Till then! 

Have an awesome day!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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