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Sweet Starry Shadows
Chapter 57: Contempt

They both landed safely on the ground. With Sakura jumping after them from her balcony, Yuuto followed her where they both ran towards the two. "Are you alright?" Sakura asked as she went on one knee to inspect the blonde for any injuries. The crimson growling as she slowly turned her body to the serpent, she pushed herself from the ground where Lucy reached out. "Please, let me fight against it," she pleaded.

Sakura looked down to her in confusion. She didn't know how strong the serpent was, so should she really let Lucy take on a risky chance? The serpent's still alive for goodness sake!

"I know that you're really overprotective about me, but I really want to prove to everyone that I'm able to fight by myself..." Lucy reasoned as she tightened her hold on Sakura's kimono. Biting the bottom of her lips, she smiled when Sakura sighed. "Alright, but please be careful," Sakura replied where the chimes of two gates opening could be heard.

"She can fight as much as she wants with us here," Loke grinned before swinging his arm around Sakura's neck with a smirk. "Why won't you sit back and let this handsome guy protect your princess," he joked, throwing her a wink where she rolled her eyes at his lame attempt of acting cool.

"Uhm, I'm sorry! He just dragged me along!" Aries apologised where Lucy chuckled and patted her shoulder. "It's alright Aries, thank you for coming to support me." Throwing Aries a smile, she held back her laughter when Sakura flipped Loke where he landed on his back. "Alright you two... Wish me luck!" she beamed before jumping high into the air where she took in a deep breath.

"Celestial Dragon's Roar!" she bellowed, aiming right at its stomach where it easily avoided the roar. The blonde landing on her feet, she gritted her teeth. She couldn't recklessly keep on trying to throw random attacks and expect it to successfully hit the dark thing. "Loke!"
Loke smirked as he quickly got up on his feet. Acting as if he wasn't flipped onto his butt by Sakura who was annoyed from his flirting, he dusted himself before nodding his head. "Of course, princess... Just leave it to... Me?"

He was about to punch it with his Regulus Impact but he just slipped through it? Sakura chuckled as Loke fell onto all fours with shock on his face. He missed his target.

"Analysis," Sakura asked, looking over to Yuuto who was examining the serpent with narrowed eyes as Lucy tried to catch it where she fell straight through. His eyes watching every detail from top to bottom, he watched as Lucy tried to use one of her advanced attacks where Aries caught her from falling.

Noticing the fine particles separating from the serpent's body each time it was supposed to be hit, he widened his eyes. Jumping away from Aries who was about to bump into him since her attention was on her master, he landed beside Knight who was watching in amusement. "It's using its elements to create a mist-like body. Each time it is hit, the water particles take the blow... It doesn't affect the actual body," he stated.

The crimson folded her arms and tipped her head to the side. "So, it's like creating a Water Body. Something like... Juvia's from Fairy Tail?" she asked. Yuuto nodded, "Similar, but with mist."

Sakura hummed to herself. Indeed, that was a smart idea... If you don't want to use too much magic to bring together your destroyed Water Body, then why not use mist where it's easier to create and form. So that was how the thing is still alive compared to its dead team members.

"Why can't I land a single thing on it?!" Lucy was starting to get frustrated as she blocked another blow aimed to its stomach. If it's still alive, then wouldn't it mean its master is still alive?
If she recalled properly, it did have a master. The serpent would always follow the girl that used Water magic that's almost as powerful as Sakura's.

"If Sakura is a dragon... Then she could manipulate the elements!" she thought out loud, turning her head to look at Sakura. The crimson tipping her head to the other side, she looked at Lucy in confusion. She wasn't listening so she didn't know what Lucy had just cried out.

"Sakura! Grab it!" Lucy yelled where Sakura widened her eyes and quickly nodded. Her eyes glowing, she flicked her hand towards the serpent where various vines grew from the cracks of the pavement. Reaching to the serpent's tail, the vines wrapped themselves around it where Sakura narrowed her eyes. "Sorry there, buddy! But what my master wants, must be achieved and followed!" she yelled, condensing the water particles to make its body go back to normal.
A smirk on her face as it hissed and tried to escape, Sakura cracked her knuckles before she flicked her hair over her shoulders. "You cannot escape from my vines," she muttered under her breath before it made a horrendous screeching wail.

The pitch too deafening, Sakura, being the only one present with the most sensitive hearing with her wolves hissing at the noise, gave out a pained groan as she dropped to her knees. "Make it stop!" she snapped, hating the fact that she was too sensitive around high-pitched noises such as these.

"Regulus Impact!"

Thanks to Loke, the serpent stopped its wail and Sakura dropped her arms and groaned. "Thank you Loke..." she whispered. Rising from the ground, she snarled. "I really want to kill you right now."

The blonde ignoring what her friend had just muttered, she covered her tightened fists with stars and growled. "Now I'm starting to see everything in Sakura's perspective... Loud noises really do irritate me sometimes," she whispered as she punched the serpent straight in the jaw where it began to screech. Giving it another punch, she landed in Aries's wool where the spirit pushed her back into the air. One stretch, Lucy gritted her teeth. "Celestial Dragon's Starry Talon!" she yelled, clawing its stomach where she flipped with her legs now pointing to the air.

"One more try! Celestial Dragon's Roar!"

Luckily, thanks to Sakura's support, she was able to land a direct hit right where she had just clawed it. Aries catching her again, she widened her eyes when it narrowed its eyes down to her in agitation. As if it was about to attack her using its mouth, Sakura wrapped a vine around its snout where it flailed around.

"Yeah, yeah! Try opening that mouth once more you darn thing," Sakura scowled as she glared at the serpent staring down to her. "Finish it Lucy!" she then yelled when she noticed how much it was moving around.

Cement and bricks raining towards them where Sakura gritted her teeth and slashed her arm through the air. She narrowed her eyes as she flipped herself away from a large slab of cement that came falling towards her.
Lifting her head up where she saw Lucy concentrating, she waited patiently with her wolves by her side as Lucy's spirits stood protectively in front of her.

No matter what may happen, Lucy will win. Although she aided the blonde, she knew that her help was not much. As long as Lucy manages to think outside of the box, she'll be able to defeat the thing in one attack.

A pet or a possession will never last long without its owner or master. It was like her... If Lucy died now, then her life will become useless. If Lucy died, then Sakura wouldn't have a goal to strive forward to. She would have no one to protect with her life.

"Celestial Dragon's Celestial Sphere!" Lucy cried out where Sakura sighed in relief. The blonde dropping and landing safely in Aries wool, she gazed at her Celestial Sphere with pride. The job was finally done... She finally took down one of Zeref's little minions that made her past a horrible one.

Slowly closing her eyes, she sighed in contempt. Without realizing, she found herself falling asleep with a smile on her face.

[Dreame 2019 Edition]

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