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Sweet Starry Shadows
Chapter 71: Lessons

Something didn't feel right when Lucy found herself waking up during the middle of the night. The nightly winds raging where she could hear its deathly whispers calling out to her, she snuggled into her bed with her blanket covering the bottom half of her face. Her breathing uneven as she moved her honey-brown orbs to look around, she found herself panicking until she sensed someone in the room.

They were watching her. They were somewhere in the room and she couldn't pinpoint their location.

"Do not fear the darkness..." A familiar voice whispered through the silence of her room. A portal opening in the air, right in front of the blonde's face, Sakurine slowly emerged with a reassuring smile on her face. "Fearing it will only draw its negativity closer to you. Embracing it will bond make it with you which is something you need to do when you accept Rogue..." she continued before narrowing her eyes to a certain corner of the room which was covered with shadows.

Lucy staring at the crimson whose hair was draping over her like curtains, she took in a shallow breath. "Is there something in here? I can feel its presence," she asked, watching the crimson move her head to stare down to her with glowing eyes.

"It's something that you shouldn't fear of. I came here because I was able to sense your anxiety through the lacrima... This presence is something that will positively grow on you. If I must ease your anxiety, this presence is Rogue's shadow. It's protecting you while watching over you..." Sakurine explained before vanishing into her portal where she appeared by the door with her eyes still glowing.
"Unless you still fear of it... I can always eliminate it with my magic," she then began where her hands began to shine.

The girl in the bed sitting up abruptly, she held up her hand in alert. "Do not hurt it!" she commanded where Sakurine's hands stopped glowing. Sakurine slowly closing her eyes, she nodded before opening them. The shine in them gone which made Lucy sigh in relief, she lowered her arm. "Thank you for listening, Sakura..." she thanked before realising that she said the wrong name. Covering her mouth, she stared at Sakurine who chuckled.

"You can call me Sakura when we're alone..."

Lowering her hands from her mouth, Lucy smiled. "It's been a while since I got to see you truly smiling..." she informed where Sakurine stopped laughing to look at her confused.

The girl lifting her hand up, she pointed over to the direction of Sting's room where she used her other hand to signal to the crimson to stay quiet. "He noticed that you haven't been smiling... Which made all of us then realise after," she informed.

Sakurine chuckled as she shook her head in amusement. "Just because I don't smile, it doesn't mean that I hate being around you guys... Don't you worry about a thing," she said before facing the door. Slowly opening it where she took a step forward, she stopped and looked over her shoulder to look at her dearest treasure who's in bed.

"How is it with you and Rogue? There's no mated scent coming from either of you," she asked.

The blonde blushing, she fell onto her back. "We're getting there... I really haven't told him my feelings for him," she replied to which the crimson nodded her head in understanding. "There's already a connection within your hearts. All you guys have to do now is to make it official by confessing before biting each other by the base of your necks to claim them as yours," Sakurine educated before closing the door behind her as she walked out where she began to head over to the study room.

Her side leaning against the door frame, she sighed as she watched the young man read under the white light emitted by a small lacrima crystal. His posture stiff as she strode into the room, he closed his book silently when she leaned onto the study desk that was situated beside the lounge chair that he was sitting on. "You're foolish to wait for her to confess," she said, starting a conversation with the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

Eyes narrowed where she smirked down to the man staring up to her confused, she took the book away from his hands. "You're indeed stupid to drag this even longer. Time will never wait for slowpokes," she mocked before throwing the book into the air.

The book stopping mid-air from falling, her eyes grew red. "I expected more from you... I gave you space and time to tell her your emotions. To come back to smell no mixed scents... What are you doing, young Dragon Slayer?" she hissed where the book was engulfed in flames where it hovered higher into the air.

"Why are you making such a huge fuss over -" Before Rogue could finish anything, Sakurine growled. The flames on the book distinguishing where it then dropped onto the floor, he widened her eyes when she vanished to only appear by the door once again. "If you want to reassure yourself that she'll be safe and away from danger, be there for her as a mate and not as a friend..." she informed before leaving.

When she was gone, Rogue sighed to himself before looking over to the darkest corner within the room. The whispers of the shadows telling him that the woman that they were watching had fallen asleep, he nodded in reply before looking down to the book that Sakurine left on the floor.

Somewhere deep within his heart was telling him that Sakurine was right when she told him that waiting won't do a thing when he's worried about Lucy's well-being. With that feeling annoying him, he got up and ran his fingers through his hair before leaving to go back into his room. "I just don't know how to approach her to tell her..." he muttered under his breath, not knowing that the crimson that was just speaking to him was watching him from the shadows.

"What are you doing?" a voice questioned.

Sakurine dropping her head where she glanced to the side, she narrowed her eyes to the White Dragon Slayer standing near. "Why are you here in my territory?" she growled, turning her body to completely face the male whose eyes were glowing yellow almost like her furious crimson eyes which seek blood.

"What are you talking about? I heard you both talking so I woke up to see..." he replied where Sakurine's eyes widened where she smiled at him insanely. Her eyes wanting to rip the person in front of her in shreds, her canines elongated where her hair began to float into the air.

The aura around her growing heavy where she looked at him with dilated eyes, she smiled. "Are you here to mock me?"

Sting shaking his head, he faked a smile. "No, I'm not. I'm just here to question why something like you were born in the first place, Crimson Dragon..." he said before his mouth widened into smirk at her. "To think you were the Crimson Dragon that was feared by the Underworld," he then mocked.

Sakurine darkly chuckling, she grabbed his neck with her hand. "Get out of his body," she commanded before Sting's chuckling morphed into a deeper tone. Her hold of his neck strong where a man levitated out of his body, she supported Sting's weight before placing him against the wall.

"How did you know?" the man asked as he glanced down to Sting, watching how Sakurine was carefully placing him to the floor. His eyes narrowed in anger as he watched her then make sure that she didn't bruise Sting's neck, he sneered. "What's so special about these people? They follow rules and act as if they're the best people in the world?" he then questioned, floating around where he lowered his head to her ear with a smirk.
"They'll never appreciate you like I did... They're just using you for your status and power. Why did you quit being the Crimson Dragon you were years ago?"

A thundering growl erupted from the crimson; she gave out a powerful bellow of fire which threw him through the wisteria tree walls. The girl taking in a deep inhale of air through her nostrils, she stormed after him forgetting that she just woke up the three that were sleeping.

"That's right, being like this... This is the Crimson Dragon that I truly love!" the man cried out, watching Sakurine pull out her katana from her palm.

[Dreame 2019 Edition]

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