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Sweet Starry Shadows
Chapter 72: Enough

"I should've killed you when I noticed how corrupted you were years ago," Sakurine sneered as she stalked towards the man with her eyes not blinking. The man wickedly smiling as his focus moved to the female blonde jogging out of the door in shock, he smirked.
His head turning to look at Sakurine who was about to slit his throat like how she often killed her opponents many years ago, he then snickered in amusement. "Is this your new thing to protect now? I can't believe you're wasting your time on something like that," he mocked.

Lucy flinched to his cold tone where Rogue held her upper arms reassuringly. Her head questioning how such a man was able to pass through Sakurine's barrier, she turned her head to look at the crimson who was now snarling out loud like an untamed beast. "You controlled someone's body, didn't you? My young futures would never do such things..." she sneered before Lucy walked up to her where she was surprised.

About to attack the poor girl that wanted nothing other than confirmation if the man in front of them was an enemy, Sakurine took in a deep inhale before nodding her head. "You made a mistake for controlling Sting's body... You, touching my belongings without permission, means death. Have you forgotten or are you mocking me?"

Lucy narrowed her eyes before slowly inching herself towards the left, away from the enrage crimson. Her eyes glancing over to Sting and Rogue who got the message where they too began to spread apart, they all watched as the unknown man in between them remain preoccupied by Sakurine.

"I didn't do such a thing... Please, all I wanted to do was to reunite myself with the famous Crimson Dragon," the man chuckled before he took a step closer towards Sakurine where two bright lights appeared besides her. Ace and Yuuto appearing where they stood defensively in front of their Alpha, they quickly did a back-flip when Lucy gave out a powerful bellow.

"Celestial Dragon's Roar!"

Sting and Rogue following, they too gave out their bellows where Sakurine complied to follow.

"Shadow Dragon's Roar!"

"White Dragon's Roar!"

"Roar of the Elemental Dragon's!"

With the four of them giving out their roars from all four directions, the unknown yelled when he was caught within it. His yells disabled from escaping Sakurine's barrier; they stopped their bellows in sync when they heard his voice fading.

The four standing there where Sakurine was about to land a punch into his gut, Lucy beat her to it when she ran up to him with narrowed eyes. "You made her lose her concentration!" she cried out. "Celestial Dragon's Starry Fist!" she boomed, punching the man in the gut where she jumped into the air and created a large orb of stars. "Celestial Dragon's Celestial Sphere!"
Throwing the large orb down onto the man, she landed besides Rogue who quickly pushed her behind him. Her eyes watching the man drop onto his knees before moving her attention to Sakurine who stood there with a dead face, she watched the crimson take a step forward where her eyes grew vivid.

Unable to reach the girl in time where Lucy opened her mouth, she gasped when Sakurine raised her hand to her Celestial Dragon's Celestial Sphere where blue flames began to engulf it. "Sakurine! Stop it!" she yelled, watching the crimson snap out of her unknown trance to widen her eyes.


A calming voice echoing through the barrier, within a blink of an eye, Takuto appeared behind Sakurine with a hand over her eyes. "Enough... You heard her voice... She's telling you to stop," he whispered, lowering his head to her ear where he then closed his eyes to inhale his mate's scent.

"Sakurine..." Lucy whispered once more.

Takuto lowering his head once more to rest his chin softly on Sakurine's shoulder, he slowly opened his eyes when he heard the ground rumble. His hands gliding over Sakurine's shaky ones where he swiftly moved them away from the large roots that wrapped themselves around the fallen man, he kissed her shoulder. "You can control that side. It is under your reign now..." he whispered, easily catching the crimson who collapsed.

"Is she alright?" Lucy asked as she ran up to them, looking down to Sakurine who's tucked into Takuto's chest. The mate of Sakurine looking at Lucy's entwined hand with Rogue's, he closed his eyes and nodded.

It was time to leave those two alone. Considering the amount of chances Sakurine's been giving them, they still weren't together much to his mate's efforts.

"Sting, can you remain here for a bit? I need to ask you a few things about that man up there," Takuto began, slowly opening his eyes where he looked over to the ashamed Sting. His eyes then moving over to the man held captured, he clicked his tongue.
Turning away where he looked over his shoulder to make sure that Sting was right behind him, he sighed. "I'll have Metallicana deal with that man. For now, Sting," he said.

Leaving, a portal opened thanks to Sakurine's wolves. Sting, Takuto and Sakurine leaving the room where they left Lucy and Rogue behind, the two of them looked at each other with a blush, now realising that they're both alone together.

"Uhm... I'm going to sleep..." Lucy awkwardly stated, wanting to run away from embarrassment where she was tugged by Rogue's hand. Her face growing bright red as she looked around and avoided meeting eyes with Rogue, she gasped when he pulled her into an embrace.

The blonde frozen in place as Rogue placed his hand on the back of her head, she remained still as she listened to him taking in an inhale of her scent. "Thank goodness nothing happened to you..." he whispered. "You thought that I was targeted?" she whispered in return, feeling him tense underneath her where her body melted into his body. Smiling as she raised her arms to return his embrace, she snuggled into him.

Enjoying the warmth from the hug, she closed her eyes and rested her chin on his shoulder. Her smile still on her porcelain face where she opened her eyes to look up to the bright moon, she let the question in her mind out, "How would our lives be if we never met each other?"

Gently pushing him away from her where she rested the palm of her hands on his upper arm, she moved her eyes down him with her smile softening. "If I wasn't pushed away from Fairy Tail... What would've happened if I never met Sakura... The one that brought us all together?" she questioned looking away.

Rogue frowning, he waited for her to look back to his direction. When she did, he wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall and slowly but carefully placed his lips on the crown of her head. "Please don't cry," he pleaded, taking a step back to look at her.

[Dreame 2019 Edition]

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