Chapter 1 - Found

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I could feel myself waking up to the sound of a slow beep. It was calming, almost sent me back under until I heard someone talking. "Will she make it?" "I'm not sure, so far has been good, she will most likely wake up within the next few days." What? But I was awake now, wasn't I? Curious as to what they were talking about, and who was talking, I slowly opened my eyes.

I was in a pristine room, with cream coloured walls and white ceiling. The place was unfamiliar; it wasn't my room, or my friends. I look to the left and see a heart monitor, A HEART MONITOR! It was off though, what was I doing in a room with a heart monitor, that's turned off? Something was wrong, but I didn't know what.

I looked to my right to see to ladies, both too engrossed in their conversations to even notice me. I slowly start to sit up, but as soon as I start, a throbbing pain erupts in my head, as if I had just been hit by a sledge hammer. I cry out in pain, involuntarily... duh.

The two women look over at me. One looks the relieved, the other completely shocked. "Miss Veil, you are awake, finally, how are you feeling?" The relieved looking lady asks, looking worriedly at me. What? What exactly happened? Who were these people? Question after question fired into my head, I choose to stick with a simple one. "Where am I?" I ask my throat hurting as I speak. "You are at the hospital, what's the last thing I remember?" She replies.

What was the last thing I remember? Couldn't have asked an easier question could you? Just woke up here. "Umm… Yesterday morning, I woke up, Sam and I were arguing, we went to the city and then." I stopped, as the memories flowed back. "Mum, Dad, Sam" I say these last words slowly, as the images flash through my mind. Oh no, what has happened, it wasn't just a dream, it was real.

Tears start to flow freely from my eyes. What happened to them? What about max, was he okay? "Where's max?" I manage to croak out through the tears. "He's safe, don't worry. He's fine, just resting. Here have this," She says, as she offers me a glass of water. I take it gratefully, gulping mouthful after mouthful until the glass is empty. "Thank you," That's all I say.

I can't say much more. Mum, dad, Sam, oh no, why did this happen to me? I started crying again. I couldn't help it. The lady cam e over, hugged me and rubbed circles on my back. It's all right. She says, over and over again. After what feels like hours, I finally stop and lift my head of her shoulder. "When can I see max?" I ask the worry must be clear in my eyes because she answers right away. "He's right across the hall, let me go fetch him," And with that, she leaves the room, with only the shocked looking, well not anymore, lady with me.

"Hello, my name is Dr Jane, are you feeling any pain, anywhere in your body?" I begin to shake my head, when the throbbing pain comes back. I hold me head and cry out. She rushes over and lays me back down. "Stay still, moving around will only make it worse." She says this as she examines my head. "It's badly bruised, but I don't think there should be any lasting damage." I feel reassured by her words.

They next thing I know, Max has run into the room "Charlie!" He exclaims, clearly happy to see someone he knows. "Hey max, how are you doing?" I ask him, putting on the sweet voice I always use on Max and other little kids. "I want mummy and daddy." He says this with a small pout on his face.

He just looked so adorable, I didn't realize what he had asked for a moment. I had started to smile at him, only slightly, before frowning. "Max, you can't see mummy and daddy right now, okay?" I explain and ask him, still using the sweet voice. Max isn't okay though, he starts bawling his eyes out to me. Oh no, what do I do now? I start rubbing his back and hugging him. He calms down a bit, but is still sniffling as we part.

"It's all right max, but now I'm going to be looking after you now, it'll be alright." I assure him. He looks at me for a bit, before curling up into a ball on my lap, and hugging me around the stomach. I felt bad, Max only got five years with them, and I got 10 and a half. The relieved looking lady, or, well, once relieved looking one, came up to us and said.

"Hello, I am Officer Ashley, but just call me Ash, um, we need to sort you two out, and you know, where you will stay and all that." She says. Oh no, we only ever had 2 aunties. One is dead, she died in a car crash 3 years ago and the other is in prison for hacking into some important military sites network. All my grandparents were dead and well, both my parents, you know what happened. I have got one cousin, but he is 17 and already in juvenile prison. Yep, I got such a happy family.

Whoever isn't dead is in prison or foster care.

"We will be sending you to a foster care facility about 20 minutes away from here, so you know we are at St John of God hospital, Subiaco. They will drop you off theretomorrow morning, and tomorrow they will take you to your home to collect anything you may need." I nod in understanding. Great, just pure fantastic, I heard that Foster homes aren't good at all; I will have to keep an eye on max, to make sure he doesn't get bullied or mix with the wrong crowds.

I would have to pack the necessities for us tomorrow, but for now, I got some rest. That's when I realized something, "Hey, what's the time?" I ask, I was wondering about that earlier and needed to know. The blinds were closed outside so I had no idea. "It's 9 o'clock PM, I suggest you get some sleep, you have a big day ahead of you." Oh no, it was sooner than I thought. We only had sleep, and then we would be expected to move into some random stranger house.

Oh well, at least we don't have to stay with Aunt Valerie, she was the one in prison. I just would not be able to handle that and I don't thing Max would be able to either. Anyway, we would end up in a foster home anyway, she would either put us there or get arrested which would land us there. I'd prefer to just go there without having to worry about her in the middle of it. I tell Max to go to bed and Ash leads him out of the room, most likely to his own room after saying good night to everyone.

I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight. One, because I only just woke up and two, the images of my family still haunt me. Sam, with her long, flowing light brown hair, blue eyes and slightly skin. Living in Australia did have its advantages. I was tanned all year round. Dad, he had short, dirty blonde hair, with blue eyes as well as fair skin.

Mum, on the other hand, had the most tanned skin, dark brown hair and dark, almost black eyes. She was beautiful really, and I was a mix of the two. I had light brown hair, blue, yet sometimes green eyes, and my skin was lightly tanned, I was in the middle. Max was like a mirror image of dad, except his skin was a little bit darker. I loved them; I couldn't get over the fact that a man had so heartlessly shot them and didn't even hesitate. I lay there thinking about it for a while, until I slowly find myself becoming suddenly sleepy, and slowly, I begin to finally fall asleep.


YAY!!! done chapter 1!!! Sorry for any spelling and grammer mistakes, I'm just that awesome that I make mistakes... unless there aren't any, then I am awesome cause iI didn't make mistakes... ANYWAY!!! Thanks for reading, please leave a review >_<

- clairebear-


Unfortunatly, I do not own CHERUB, it belongs to Robert Muchamore. So will other characters who will be introduced later in the book, and no, it is not necessary to read the CHERUB series before hand, but this is set after the Aramov Clan series and may have some minor spoilers, but I'll try not to... THANKS!!!

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