Chapter 6 - School

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I was awoken by Annie as she tried to shake me awake from on the ground. I slowly opened my eyes, "Huh? What are you doing?" I asked letting her know I was awake and that she didn't need to try to wake me anymore, which I think she was relieved about. "Come on, we have school, you need to get up and get ready and come down stairs for breakfast," she said, pulling the blanket off of me in the process.

I'm extremely lucky that I'm wearing my pyjamas, or that would have been just pure awkward, and disgusting. I climbed down from my bed and looked loathing at the uniform hanging in my cupboard and in my drawers. I pulled it out and quickly got changed in whilst Annie headed downstairs as she got changed before waking me up. I slipped on the uniform and headed downstairs to the kitchen/dining room.

Set up along the kitchen counter where all sorts of foods. There were all kinds of cereal, toast and bread. There were also toppings for the toast and bread like butter, jam, Nutella, egg, beans and also a bunch of fruit, most of which look like they are tinned. I grab a piece of toast and some Nutella and sat down at the same table as Annie. As we ate, we talked about different things, like what sort of people are at school, and what the classes and teachers are like. After about ten or fifteen minutes, Annie and I head back upstairs to finish getting ready.

I brush my hair and gather my school things. Apparently we have to leave at about 8:00 so we will get to the bus stop by 8:15, so the bus can take us to school. If we are running late, we have to run, there's no easy alternative. You only ever get a lift if you're hurt, have something big or heavy to take home that can't fit in your bag or if you have after school curriculum things that you need to stay back for.

We head back down stairs and I see Max playing with another Child downstairs. As he was in pre-primary and it was still only the start of the year, he only had half days which started at lunchtime. I ran over to him, gave him a hug goodbye and kissed him on the forehead, something our mother used to always do. I smiled at him as he playfully rubbed the spot trying to get rid of whatever 'cooties' I gave him. (A/N that or girl germs, not sure what they use nowadays.)

I walked out the front door with Annie, we were leaving earlier than others as I was new and needed to learn the way to the bus stop, seeming as I might have to find my own way from time to time and I couldn't rely completely on Annie. We reached the bus stop within 10 minutes and sat on the bench. Apparently whenever the bus was late, you would be waiting 5 or 10 minutes, so it was best of you get here first so you had a seat.

She also warned me that from time to time, some guy named Samuel would come and if you didn't give him a seat, you would be asking for a death-wish. What a pleasant way to start the day. After about 5 or so minutes of Annie and me chatting, more and more people began to turn up. All the orphanage kids and a few others who lived nearby got on the bus here, as it was closest to most. Suddenly, a shadow stood over Annie and I, I could see the fear in her eyes, as she continued to look down. "My friends and I want to sit down, so move your ass," said an intimidation voice in a threatening manner.

I looked at Annie, there was pure anger in her eyes, it looked as if she could kill this guy in a second, I decided to test that theory, which I had to admit, was a stupid idea. I looked up at him and looked right in his eyes, "No, we were here first so go sit on the floor or something if you want to sit down." Okay, big, BIG mistake, if looks could kill, well, I should start handing out invitations for my funeral. "What did you just say?" He said, steam almost coming out of his ears and nose, ha-ha, that would be funny to see… back on topic, his face began turning red with anger.

"You heard me, look a nice spot of grass right there," I retorted, I really did have a death wish didn't I? I had a really bad habit of doing this, I even had a scar to prove it, and I may or may not have done this to one of the most short-tempered people at my old school… Meh, I had Karate and Rom Tai Kwon Do classes, I would last.

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