Chapter 7 - Afternoon

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On the bus home, I finally see Annie again, for some reason I couldn't see her during lunch or recess. "Hey, so how was your first day?" Annie asks as I take my seat beside her. "Not bad, met some people did some stuff, same as my last school," I reply, being careful not to mention anything about Niamh. Apparently Annie is the only year six who has ever been bullied by her, kind of sad don't you think.

"Did you meet Niamh?" she suddenly asks after a minute of two or silence. "Umm… yeah, I did," How was I supposed to answer that? I didn't want to say she's nice or anything or even alright after what I heard she did to Annie, but I didn't want to say anything bad. "Who else did you have the pleasure of meeting?" She continues. "Hum… there was Jack, Josh, Allie and Noah," I say. Noahs like the annoying boy of the year that all the other boys copy.

Every year at every school has one of these, they are so annoying. Before we know it, we're at the bus stop and already on our way home. "Well at least you met some decent people today, stay away from Niamh, seriously," Annie warns, she's like the fifth person today. "Yeah I know, I've already been told ten times to stay away from her," okay, so I exaggerated a bit, but I was frustrated from the amount of people saying that! We walk in silent for a bit longer, Annie showing me the way and me desperately trying to remember the way.

When we finally reached home, we walked up to our rooms and she took out her books. I copied her, not knowing what else to do, it was my first day and I already had homework, I had to finish a maths page. I was fine with it though, I loved maths. I took out the sheet and got to work only to notice Annie staring at me. Looking up, I said, "What is it?" She snaps out of a trance and looks me in the eye, a shade of pink making its way to her cheeks, "Sorry, I was just thinking, I tend to do that sometimes." "What, think?" I ask, completely confused as to what she just said. She laughed lightly, "No, silly, stare off into space," She explains, all traces of embarrassment leaving her face.

So that's what she meant… I went back to my work and in about 15 minutes I had completed the sheet and was packing up my stuff. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Annie called, still focused on her book; I think it was debating, not quite sure. I looked at the door and saw Max's head poking through the door, tears down his face. "Oh Max, what's wrong?" I ask as he runs over and jumps on me, hugging me around the neck, the way he used to hug mum when he was upset.

I hug him back and we sit there like that for a minute or so. He lifts his head up and starts talking about some boy taking his little train toy he had from home. That was his last present from Sam, how dare he take it? I lift Max up and carry him out the door, "Who took it Max?" I ask and he points at this 14 or something year old boy. I put Max down and walk towards him. "Hey, you, did you take my brothers toy?" I ask, somehow becoming confident. He turns around from this other guy, who was laughing, and looks me in the eye.

"Yeah, and?" he says, a large smirk right across his face, how I would love to slap it off his face. "Give it back," I say, taking a step towards him. He smirks, "ha, you actually believe I will, listen, kid, I am older, stronger and just pure smarter than you, you will not boss me around," He states taking menacing steps towards me. Oh poop... "Look, that toy means a lot to Max, please just give it back," I beg, I don't want him to destroy it. He throws it to the floor and laughs as Max runs to get it. I turn and walk away; not wanting to be near him, he was danger and I know it, staying with him would be like playing with dynamite.

I head upstairs to find Annie on my piano, playing a really sweet song, I have never heard of it before. "Hey," I say quietly, her head snapping up and eyes widening as she realises I saw her. "Oh… Um… sorry, I'll leave it alone now…" she says, stuttering in embarrassment. I laugh, "It's alright, that was a really nice song, what's it called?" "It's Fur Elise, didn't you know that?" I thought that song was familiar… "Cool, can you teach me some time? I've always wanted to know how to play that; I just couldn't ever remember what it's called."

I ask, she nods her head eagerly, "Sure, but I've got to finish this homework first, I just haven't played it for a while. Do you want to go out for a walk to the deli? I kind of feel like some chocolate or something?" she suddenly asks. "Yeah, sure, no one can turn down the aspect of maybe having chocolate, it's too good to resist," I say, a bit dramatically making her laugh. We grab our stuff and head out the door, down the stairs to find Gemma and tell us we were going out.

She nodded her head, "Be careful, I don't want to have any trouble alright?" She called, eyes on all the little kids as they played, Max was in the group, "I'll be back soon Max, have fun," I called once again as we headed out the front door. Annie and I walked down the driveway and onto the footpath by the road. There was still light outside seeming as it was still in the afternoon, almost 5 o'clock. We walked in silence, me looking at Annie every now and then for directions.

We started talking a bit after that, but only about random stuff, nothing of any important meaning, well, that's what I thought. She asked me if I did any martial arts, I had. I had done Rom Taekwondo and Karate, I was a red belt in both but I hadn't been doing it for a couple of months because I was too busy with music and school. We finally made it to the deli and I walked in. I was small with most of the necessities for living like milk and bread on one side and then lollies and drinks on another.

I walked around and found out I had only $5.00 with me, so I decided on a drink, packet of chips and chocolate. The drink was $1.40, the chocolate $1.30 and the chips were $1.20. I only had $1.10 left so I bought three of those fizzers which they sold for 30c each and I had 20c left.

I walked out the door to find Annie there on her phone; she had only brought $3.00 so all she got was a chocolate and a drink, she kept her change and left it in her pocket. When she saw me, she had a worried look on her face, but she quickly covered it up. "Done? Cool, let's go," She said in a rush, what was up with her? We started walking when suddenly; I felt a large hand cover my mouth. I tried to scream but no sound came out, well, it was muffled at least.

I tried wriggling free but I heard a deep laugh come from behind me, "don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, just relax," as he said that I felt a needle sink into my arm and the man's grip on me weaken. I used this to my advantage and slipped from his grasp, spinning around and launching a massive round the house kick, looks like the years of martial arts has finally paid off. I started to sprint away when I realised Annie wasn't there.

I looked around and saw another man holding her limp form looking at me with shock in his eyes. I wanted to help her, but then I saw a knife. Oh no, I sprinted off before he could threaten me, hopefully he wouldn't hurt Annie, hopefully. I started running when suddenly I felt tired, I could feel my arms and legs going limp and my vision becoming darker. What was happening to me? Poop, I forgot about the sharp pain. They must have injected me with a sedative, great, just great.

I tried running again but all that happened was I had fallen down and collapsed onto the cold hard concrete. I tried to get back up but I couldn't, what was going to happen to me? I felt my vision getting blurry and I heard faint footsteps making their way towards me. I felt myself being pulled from the ground as my vision was almost black now.

I couldn't get out of his grasp as I heard a car door open as I was carefully places inside and I heard my seatbelt being done up, What sort of criminal does the person he kidnaps seatbelt? I tried to stay awake, but the last thing I heard was, "She'll be a good one," before I fell into a dreamless sleep.


there we go... have fun fellow unicorns...

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