12 1 7

Aug 5, 2015

S: Sup?

Me: Nm, youuuuu?

S: Preparing speech for an announcement?

Me: What announcement?

S: Listen to that on Monday in the assembly

Me: Tell meeeeeeeee

S: lemme complete at least

Me: Noooooooooooo

S: nothing special. Discipline and stuff

Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

S: Um?

Me: sorry, im extremely bored.

S: Haha, its okay

Me: yayayyayayayayay

S: I don't mind if you irritate me


S: Its okay


S: I can handle you

Me: yeahhhhhhhhhhhh

S: And say?

Me: You say

S: You

Me: You

S: okay...tell me something about you?


S: Thanks for sharing... that is some important information I must know.

Me: I know, right!

S: you don't like talking to me, do you?

Me: what?

S: Yeah, you tell your friends that I interfare in your personal life and stuff like that?

Me: No way! I like talking to you, a lot. Who told you that though?

S: Reetika

Me: WHAT? Why would she do that?

S: I don't know...
I'll send you the screenshots and you are not talking to her about this.


R: Hey

S: Hi

R: Sup

S: Nm

R: do you have a crush?

S: um, what?

R: youre a teenager...you might have a crush right?

S: Well, I don't

R: ohh... not even on Kriya?

S: what the hell are you talking about?

R: Don't you talk to her?

S: So?

R: well, you don't talk to any other girl that way...so I thought..
And trust me, she doesn't like talking to you

S: By the way- who the heck are you to interfere in my friendships?

R: I am her best friend. And she tells me everything because I keep her secrets safe. She won't tell you anything, don't even expect.

S: Firstly, I do not like such sort of bullshit.
Plus I don't know why YOU need to make such efforts

R: Hey- chill, calm down

S: and Hey- chill, mind your own freaking business.


Me: She is just jealous. Cant you see that?

S: Hey look! I know- that's why im still talking to you. In fact I had thought I wont talk to you about this...but then I thought I should

Me: She is lying! She thinks she knows me. But the truth is- you know me better than her.

S: I know she is lying, haha

Me: she's unbelievable

S: Let me tell you a truth
and promise me that you wont let anyone know

Me: okay, I wont

S: So as I told you before that I don't like the girls of this school..
the reason is

Me: Mhmm

S: In the very first week, Ayushi (now in 11th grade) proposed me

Me: Oh

S: Then after another week, Heetika, grade 10
and in the following week Reetika proposed

Me: hahahha, Reetika did?!

S: yeah
after that Janani, grade 11 again used to like my best friend Rutik a lot. So she told me to help her and then changed her mind and proposed me

Me: oh

S: then Tanya grade 10, then Maansi from my class..

Me: Well...!

S: Yeah! So I realised that any girl I talk to, proposes me within a week's time. And hence I took the decision of not talking to any girl from this school.

Me: more than tragic, it is funny- don't you think?

S: Now that I think about it- yes!
So basically girls like Reetika find opportunities to talk to me- be it the shittiest thing to talk about, they have to talk

Me: I see

S: anyway

Me: she just craves for attention, doest she?

S: you stole my words

Me: so who was your girlfriend out of these?

S: none of them, I proposed my girlfriend

Me: oh

S: who was your boyfriend?

Me: no one, I never had one

S: really?

Me: no, im lying

S: haha, thought so

Me: I had them in my previous school

S: how many?

Me: 10062

S: oh, more than me eh!

Me: haha, but I was immature, nothing serious.

S: wow, you admit such stuff

Me: yeah! I made a mistake, I know the reason and I know I am not going to be that stupid again, so what's the harm admitting that?

S: yeah true

Me: I'm a nice person, am I not!? XD

S: hahah, absolutely

Me: hahha

S: I like talking to you. You are fun.

Me: glad to hear that. You made my day :) 

S: it's 10 now...I think I should sleep. Long conversation today eh? I didn't realise the time!

Me: oh me neither!

S: yeaha..goodnight then!

Me: goodnight

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