Chapter 4

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A picture of Garret Jones

I woke up and rolled over, keeping my eyes closed. "That was a terrible dream." I muttered to myself.
I opened my eyes to look at my clock and I froze. This wasn't my room.
Panic spread through me as I sat up in bed, but I cried out as blinding pain took over. I lowered myself slowly on the bed as my head throbbed.
Then it all hit me. I saw myself hunting and going onto the unknown territory. I remembered falling into a creek during a storm and hitting my head.
My hand went to my head and I felt a bandage around it.
But something happened before I got knocked out.... The voice! I thought.
"Who was he?" I asked myself as I looked at my surroundings. I was laying in a king-sized bed with camouflage covers on top of me. The walls were painted white, and a buck was mounted on the wall above the bed. To my right, there was a night stand and against the wall was a bookshelf filled with books. To my left, there was a chair and a gun rack hung on the wall. In front of me was the door and beside that was a gun safe.
Well I take it he's a hunter I thought.
I lifted the covers off of me and gasped. I wasn't in my camouflage clothes. Instead, I was in a huge green and yellow t-shirt and dark green gym shorts. Oh god, I didn't feel my bra or panties either.... He must have change my clothes and saw me naked. I felt my face heat up and I started blushing. How can my day get any worse I thought, embarrassed.
Suddenly, I heard a door shut and I heard steps getting louder. My eyes got wide as I tried to think of what to do. Considering I couldn't get up without being in pain, getting a weapon wasn't an option. I could either lay and watch him come in or I could act like I was still out.
I went for option 2. I quickly dragged the covers back on me, I closed my eyes and tried to calm my deafening heart rate. The steps got louder then, they paused and the door handle started to jiggle. The door opened slowly and the steps came towards me then they stopped. I heard him move and then silence took over, if you didn't count my loud heartbeat. I took a guess that he sat in the chair.
I realized I was holding my breath, which had to be let out. I tried to quietly let it out through my nose, but I stopped when I heard a chuckle.
"I know you're awake," he said softly. His voice was deep and smooth. It gave me goosebumps.
I opened my eyes and they laid on a man that looked in his early twenties. He had forest green eyes and short dirty blonde hair. He wore a green shirt which brought out his eyes and blue jeans. He looked back at me and smiled.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, he glanced at my head.
"Umm.. I'm okay I guess. I could be better," I reply, my voice sounded small and I cursed it in my head.
He grinned. "Well I would hope so. My name is Garret Jones. What is yours?"
I contemplated on whether or not to tell him my actual name but I decided to anyway, "My name is Skye Burnes,"  I replied.
"Beautiful name," he said politely. "Well Skye, you've been out for about 4 days and you need some food in your body. I made some deer vegetable soup, my favorite."
"Four days?!" I exclaimed. I got to get home I thought as I started to sit up again. I closed my eyes tightly and winced as the pain returned. Garret rushed to my side and laid a hand on my shoulder.
"You're not going anywhere till you have healed a couple more days," he said as he helped me lay back down. " I'm going to go get you some soup," His hand caressed my cheek for a second and our eyes met then he turned around and left the room.
I looked up at the ceiling thinking about Garret. He seemed really caring but what was the whole caressing-my-cheek thing about? I mean he's cute and all but I just met the guy. He was muscular and really tall, he looked about 6.1". He may be perfect so far but surely there's a catch.
I heard his steps coming closer once again, then the door opened. He came in with two bowls of soup. He laid the bowls on the night stand and he helped me sit up, folding the pillow so it would support me better. Then, he handed me the white bowl and I caught a whiff of what it contained. My mouth automatically watered. I grabbed the spoon and lifted a spoonful of soup to my lips and I swallowed the warm liquid.
I moaned, "This is so good," I say glancing over at him. He was sitting in the chair, watching me, his eyes were twinkling.
"Thanks," he replied, smiling as he continued eating his soup.
His eyes returned to me, "I'm sorry about the clothes, but I had to get you out of the wet ones."
I felt the heat in my cheeks again. "Oh," I cleared my throat as I tried not to think of the fact that he saw me naked. "It's fine." My voice became quiet. I did not want to talk about this topic any longer. He must have sensed it because he stayed quiet.
I slurped down the rest of the soup in a couple minutes then I lay the bowl down on the night stand.
"Wow you were really hungry," he said laughing lightly.
I grinned. "well that's what happens when you're knocked out for 4 days, sweetheart."
"Feisty aren't we?" He asked, grinning.
"It's just the beginning," I smirk.
He chuckled and finished his soup. He stood up and helped me lay back down flat on the bed then, he grabbed my bowl. "Get some sleep, then tomorrow we'll talk about what happened to you out there."
I nodded carefully not wanting to feel the pain and I watched him as he walked out of the room and I'll admit I glanced at his butt.
After a few minutes, I yawned as tiredness kicked in. I closed my eyes and Garret filled my head. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Finally, I feel into a light sleep.

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