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Melanies' POV:

[just so you know this is a longer chapter even if it is only the first one lol. Try and give me some pointers or tell me if there's a mistake in spelling or grammar and I will fix it. Thanks :)]

(July 14th, 2016 Thursday)

Hi there uh my name is Melanie Walters, Melanie Hope Walters. I'll tell you about me, I guess.. I am totally an awesome party animal (lol no), I have tONS of friends (like 3), and I'm absolutely the most social person ever (ha no).

Now that you know I'm a sarcastic twat, I'll actually tell you about myself; I love to sing, I'm a little weird, I dyed parts of my hair blue, pink, and purple but I'm a really dirty blonde (it's almost brown), I'm more pale than a ghost, and I'm a huge 5sos fan. I moved from Louisville to Taylorsville in 3rd grade after meeting one of my great friends that year. But, going from a city to a smaller town was nice. It was still the same state, so it was perfect.

I have a sister too but, you'll get to know her name when you learn about my friends. I have like 3 really good friends; AJ, Tiffany, and Cat. Yes, spelled like the animal. I love those goofballs so much it hurts. I don't know what I'd ever do with out them. I can't even begin to describe how amazing they are but I will try.

AJ and I have known each other since kindergarten, and since we're 19 now it'll be our 15 year anniversary of our friendship on August 1st. She's got really dark brown hair and goregous brown eyes, she's tan, and we are about the same height, so about 5' 6? not that tall. She never had worn makeup until freshman year of high school when the rest of us wore makeup since like 5th grade. She is a hella Louisville fan while I'm a hella Kentucky fan, but we are still best friends. Oh yeah I almost forgot, her last name? Hall. AJ Rose Hall. She's my wifeyyy and even though I moved, we would still hang out all the time, even now.

Ok, Tiff I've known since 3rd grade. I met her from Louisville and when I moved we lost touch, until 6th grade came along. Then she moved to Taylorsville also! Yeah true story, she came and was like "Hey Melanie what's up?" I didn't recognize her at first, but when our teacher introduced her I knew it right there that was my Tiff. Shes a Kentucky fan so we bond over that, our weirdness, AND LOVE OF FOOD. She's got long brown hair that goes to almost her butt, goregous blue ocean eyes, and she's 5' 2. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting, her last name is Higgs. Tiffany Paige Higgs. Yeah, we just call her Higgie since my sisters name is also Tiffany. My sis calls Tiff her "mini me." She's quiet around other people but with her friends she's the weirdest person on the planet.

Now, Cat.. She's unique. She's a Louisville fan so her and AJ bond over that while Tiff or Higgie introduced Cat to me. She is that friend that is literally a stick, long down to her butt goregous blonde hair that's always soft, beautiful blue eyes, cute little face, with braces. I've only known her since 7th grade, but I can honestly say I love her so much and I feel like I've known her longer. She's always wanting to read, we bond over books and anime and HARRY POTTER. IF YOU WANT A HARRY POTTER FAN IN YOUR LIFE YOU GO TO CAT. She also really likes supernatural, the show. She's my height too about 5' 5-5' 6. She's also that friend that still has the iPhone 4. Not 4S either. But she kept breaking her phones so that's what she got. Her last name, geez I'm bad at writing, Cat Jones. Cat Lee Jones to be exact.

Oh, and my family. Well I got a mom, dad, my sister, and my puppy. We've had my pup for ten years now. We got her in 2006. Man I love her to death. Oh her name is Taffy. My moms name is Teresa and my dads name is Troy. You're not gonna here about them as their real names though so just mom and dad heheh. Anyway, my mom has really short blonde hair, she's hella tan, 5' 5, and really pretty. My dad, he's got that weird flat head hair style but his hair is real soft and blonde, he's tan, and he's 6' 4. My dog is white but not whiter than me, adorable as all dogs are, and has cute little handkerchiefs. My sister is 25, super platinum blonde hair naturally, but recently dyed her hair brown and now Higgie is even more like her "mini me." Both of their middle names are Paige, and my sister is like really pretty too so, yeah. I guess that's my life then.

I hope you guys enjoyed that it was my first chapter basically and I hope you like my detail.
Half of this was made at 3am one night, and half at 1pm the next day, so bare with it lol.
Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you guys in the next chapter :) byee

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