Sick sleepover

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Melanie's POV;

(July 26th, 2016 Tuesday)

"Guys it's 4am could I go to sleep now please?" I growled angrily at my friends
"I'm so tired I could sleep on a bed of nails."
"Guys seriously" AJ said half asleep rubbing her eyes to wake up more.
"But we just said we were going to a 5sos concert. How am I supposed to be calm?" Tiff said obviously excited
"And we're getting backstage passes!" Cat screamed excitedly
I shot up immediately "I said maybe. Don't get your hopes up. It's not like our jobs actually get good money"
"True" Cat said looking down, thinking about something eagerly
"Yeah" Tiff agreed with a kind of sad expression on her face
"I ... agreeee.." AJ slurred in her sleep while trying to say real words just ending up falling asleep
I chuckled "alright everyone to bed now it's almost 4:30 and I gotta go to work later at 8pm and I'd like to be rested for it"
'Clean up on isle 4'
"Ha you better go clean that boy" I said to one of my best friends that I work with, Jake.
"Shut up, ugh man I don't feel well" He said sluggishly grabbing a broom and walking to the isle 4
"I can tell because that is yogurt someone spilled and you brought a broom" I said sort of giggling
"Let me feel your forehead" I touched his forehead and it was so hot I immediately took my hand away
"Ow that's hot" I said touching my hand
"Why thank you, hand me the mop" he said chuckling at his own joke
"No not you your forehead" I touched his hand giving him the broom "all of you is burning"
"Oh I guess I'm sick" he said sadly "I'll just clean and after work I'll lay down or puke or something" he shrugged his shoulders
"No you have to go now, I'm getting off in five minutes and you don't get off until like 5 from stocking." I said looking at him angrily "aren't your parents out of town? Who's gonna take care of you?"
Jake is a couple years younger than me, he's 17 but turning 18 in September. So he hasn't moved out yet.
"Oh yeah i dont know" he says shrugging again
"Come over to my house! I'll take care of you" I said happily.
He's stayed the night before and we are really good friends.
Plus he doesn't like me and I don't like him win win.
"Alright fine after my shift" I'm ready to slap him
I slapped his arm "Ow" he grips his arm and looks at me with his dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, I look at him for a moment, he's usually tanner than this.
"You're coming now" I grabbed him by the hand and I told my favorite manager to feel his well.. Anything it's all burning
"Oh yeah go ahead I'll tell the main manager I mean just get a doctors note because then you'll be good"
"Tell him that Jake will fax it in! Thanks Lisa!"
"No problem" she said smiling "have a nice night"
"You too" Jake said slurring
"Alright time to go"
Jakes POV;

"What are you doing" I said looking at her from across the room
I guess I had taken a nap in the car because I don't remember getting out of it
"Oh good you're awake, here" she hands me my favorite kind of soup, alphabet soup
"Thank you oh my gosh" I love this soup, I had it every week as a kid if I got good grades
Good bribing, well played parents
"Only the letter that are in your name, just how you like it" she smiled and sat down
"Thank you, this is why I love you ya big turd"
"Did you just.." She chuckled "call me a turd?"
"Yes whatcha gonna do?" I said waving my spoon at her
"Nothing I guess, love you too ya big goofball"
"How much" I said, don't worry this is our thing we do a lot
"Much much" she says smiling at me
"That's much" I say take a bite, yum
"I know but I love you much much" she says walking out the room
Chuckling I say to myself when I know for sure she's gone "if only you really loved me"
Hey guys!! I missed you!
Do you like Jake?!
I do I mean I made him look a little like Calum so Mel has a "type" lol
For you I don't have pics to put up there so they will just be CALUM, I know some of you will be okay with that lol

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