Chapter 2: Hotels & Pizza

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I woke up with my head on Sean's shoulder, and felt his arm around my shoulder. I remembered how freaked out I was when we took off, and how Sean grabbed my hand, almost as if he knew I really wanted to hold his. He was almost protective of me, like he wanted me to feel safe with him, which I did. I look over at Sean and see that he's watching something on his phone. As my vision became less blurry from sleeping I realized it's a video I posted on my channel of me doing the hot sauce challenge. It was one of my most viewed videos on my channel, and probably my most embarrassing, to be honest. He was laughing a little, with that same smile he gives me after I do something silly or embarrassing.

After the video was over, Sean looked over at me and saw that I was awake, and quickly exited out of YouTube so that I couldn't see what he was watching, even though I already had. "Hey there, sleepy head. We are going to land in like 5 minutes, so I'm glad you woke up so I didn't have too, since you looked really peaceful." I looked at him and smiled, "So you were watching my hot sauce challenge video, huh?" He immediately let out a nervous laugh and his face turned red. Like, really red. "Oh that? I was just, uh, looking to see, like, how many people were watching your stuff, and uh, comments and stuff..." Sean looked down at his lap, and I almost felt bad about asking about it, I didn't want him to be uncomfortable, but I loved that he watched my videos.

I nuzzled a little closer to him, trying to lighten the awkwardness that had just happened. I felt Sean relax a little when I did, and that made me blush a little, but he didn't notice, thank God. The speaker came on with our pilot telling us that we would be landing in about 5 minutes and to turn off all of our electronics and to fasten our seat belts. I began to get nervous again as I sat up in my chair to get fastened. I guess Sean could sense my tenseness and said, "Here." as he held out his hand for me to hold onto. I smiled, taking his hand and saying, "Thanks, I'm glad my first plane trip was with you instead of either by myself or a complete stranger sitting next to me." He laughed a little, with his face turning a little pinkish while he looked at his lap again. This time, I didn't feel bad about making him blush, I almost wanted it to happen. It was always cute to me when he would do that.

I looked out the window to see the ground coming closer to the plane, which made me tense, which then made me squeeze Sean's hand a little tighter. I should have realized that he would notice this, I mean it is his fucking hand, he should feel it. He looked over at me and then took his hand away from mine and proceeded to put his arm around me instead and said, "I'm here for you, (Y/N). And don't look down, it only makes you feel sick." He had that goofy smile on his face that I thought was adorable and as I thought about this I could feel my face getting hot, and I could tell from his expression that he had noticed.

*Sean's P.O.V.*

Her cheeks were as red as a rose, but I loved it. I couldn't help but wonder what (Y/N) was blushing about, but whatever it was, it made her face look even more cute and beautiful. I gave (Y/N) a bit of a squeeze as the plane touched the ground, causing the plane to shake just a small bit, but it was enough to make her hug me back a little more. It made me smile, even though I was sure it was nerves and not anything like feelings...

After the plane landed, we got up and started to gather our carry-on. Then I heard a small voice behind me say, "Jack...? I turned to see a girl, probably around 16, standing there with my "BOOPER DOOPER!" shirt on, with her hair dyed green like mine on the bottom half. "C-can I have y-your autograph and a p-picture, please?" She asked. "Of course! I'm assuming your a fan of my channel, huh?" She looked at me in awe, trying to be calm and cool. "Y-yes, I-I am, your a huge i-inspiration t-to me." She stuttered a little when she talked. "Aww, thank you for supporting me! What's your name?" "K-Kayla." She had a huge smile on her face. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl! Now for that selfie!" She reached into her back pocket and grabbed her phone, which I noticed her wallpaper had my face in a green heart with the caption "My Hero" on the bottom. "Did you make that picture yourself?" I asked. "Yes, it took like a billion tries to get it right, but I thought I should make it look the best it can since its of you." She blushed a little while saying this. "That's so cool! Wait, is my name your password too?" Her face turned a lot redder when I pointed this out. "Y-yeah, I hope that's not too creepy o-or anything..." "Aww, no of course not! It shows that your a true fan." We took a picture, and I signed a drawing that she drew.

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