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This chapter is dedicated to divya_asbarbie
Chapter eight is here. I really wanted to thank all of you for taking the time out to read and vote. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate knowing that my book is being read. Just the thought of writing again, and having an audience again makes me giddy. 

as usual, comment, vote and add this story to your reading list if you haven't done so already!


"Hello" I answered tentatively.

"Alice, It's Adriano" I pressed my lips tightly to push my smile away and thumbed on the appropriate button. I could hear a distance 'thanks' as he walked into the building.

I left my door slightly ajar and didn't know what to do with myself at that point. My gaze drifted over to the couch- should I sit there? Maybe pick up a magazine to read and look busy? Should I sit on the stool in front of my kitchen island? Should I catch up on what everybody in my life is doing on my phone.

By the time he knocked politely and walked in I was standing in the centre of my living room idly. I was pretty sure that I looked lost and out of place.

He smiled, and stuffed his oversized hands in his pockets. "Hi"

"Hello" I said, attaching an awkward wave. I mentally smacked myself across the head.

"Okay so, let's go" he said, his hands ushered me towards the kitchen.

"So, one thing that we discussed last time was using cutlery to eat- even if it's finger food-"

"I'd say it'd look pretty strange at a party.." I thought aloud, my voice shouldn't have been audible.

"Well, Alice, obviously in that situation you'd eat with your fingers" He said with a shake of his head while I imagined myself asking him to hold my plate at a party where we all stood and socialised and I magically take out a fork and knife from my clutch and begin cutting away at the mini burgers or whatever it is they are serving, while people shoot me incredulous looks.

"You have a point" I said hotly, perching myself on top of the stool, my arms crossed over on the granite counter. Adriano stood in front of me. His back to the burner and his gaze on me. His eyes were glittering in the day light, like a reflection of the sun on the ocean. I felt drawn immediately.

"Today we can look at different recipes for breakfast" He walked around to the fridge and surveyed its contents. I was almost scared that he wouldn't like what he would find. But I took this moment to really drink him in. He definitely worked out. He was firm and muscular. His hair was tied up into a small manly bun just above the nape of his neck. He was wearing deep blue jeans and a white cotton t-shirt on top. Overall he looked sexy without seemingly trying too hard. He turned around and I jerked in my seat, shocked by his sudden movement. I flooded with colour as my eyes darted around the room, making contact with everything except for Adriano Dukas.

The Chef slash dietician slash serial-hottie gave me a pointed look and sighed "We have to go shopping"

"What?" I stuttered.

"You don't own anything" He looked disappointed. I hopped onto my feet and walked towards my fridge.

"That is total nonsense. I own stuff" I sounded defensive, even to my ears. I opened the fridge and my confidence rushed out of me as quickly as it came. I stared at the carton of milk, lite-mayo, a loaf of bread, a glass of fresh juice and a few tubs of greek yoghurt. I closed my fridge, feeling dejected. I lifted my gaze to see Adriano looking at me with a controlled expression.

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