Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

I slowly opened my eyes, cringing from the light and noticed Demi still wrapped up in my arms. I didn't know if she was awake or not so I didn't want to move just in case she was. "Are you up?" I heard Demi say in a whisper. I just smiled. I guess she was up already.

"Yes beautiful I'm up." I beamed down at her. I pulled her in closer to me, so our bodies were touching. I completely forgot that we were both naked. I smiled, remembering last night. I moved her one leg so it was over top of mine, and gently caressed her thigh.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked me with a small smile playing on her lips. Her lips were so pink and so big; I just wanted to kiss them. Every chance I got, I did.

"Well I'm feeling really couple-y today and literally all I want to do is hug you and hold you and kiss you so I don't know if going out is the best option seeing as you and I are still in the closet." I pointed out. It hurt me to say that. After what happened last night I don't even know why we keep our relationship a secret, we love each other and that's all that matters. Demi frowned and nodded her head.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated here in California?" She mumbled into my chest. I could tell she was a little bit sad. I hated seeing her sad, it broke every piece of my heart.

"I don't know baby, and I'm sorry things are like this. I wish they weren't and someday, I promise you they won't be. When high school over we can move far away from here and live our own life together." I said protectively kissing her forehead. "But for now if you want we can go back over to my house and go in the hot tub, or watch a movie in the screening room, or play some pool or something." I suggested. She nodded with a smile and got out of the bed. I smirked to myself when I saw her body. Everything about her was perky. "You're body looks even sexier in the sunlight." I told her as I hopped out of bed and kissed her neck.

"Yah, so does yours." She turned around and ran her hands up and down the sides of my naked body. I pecked her lips once more, and then slipped on my clothes. Demi did the same and we ran over to my house. The October air was quite nippy this morning.

"Daddy it's me, Demi's here too!" I yelled as we walked through the door. He came walking down one of the three staircases we had, coming down to the front foyer to meet us.

"What's with those hickeys on your neck Noah?" My dad asked, sipping his coffee and flicked about four of them. I was about to protest when he stopped me. "Don't tell me that you ran into a door again, because you've already used that line once." He laughed. I looked down at the ground and started playing with my fingers.

"They're not, they're uhm, they're uhm..." I tried to think of an excuse. "Oh what the fuck, yes father they're hickeys." I laughed along with Demi. My dad just looked up at us and laughed to himself. "Okay well we're gonna go downstairs dad." I told him and took Demi by the hand, leading her down to the basement.

"You told you're dad you ran into a door once when he saw you had a hickey?" Demi mocked me as she sat down on the couch that was in the middle of the game room. "How old were you?" She asked with a chuckle.

"I don't know like fourteen or something. It was my first make out and I never wanted to make out with anyone again after that because well... boys aren't very good at kissing. That was the first and last boy I will ever kiss in my life." I giggled getting a pool cue and handed it to Demi. "Have you ever played pool?" I asked, helping her out of the chair and lead her over to the pool table.

"Well yes I have, but right now I'm gonna say no so you can do that really cute cheesy thing where you try to teach me how to play." She giggled biting her bottom lip. I laughed at what she said, then walked up behind her.

"Okay, so you have to hold your pool cue like this." I showed her, wrapping my arms around her to make sure she was doing it correctly. "And your goal is to sink all of your balls into the pockets, just not the eight ball okay." I explained. "Wanna do a practice shot?" I winked at her. I helped her with her practice shot and she turned around in my arms, kissing my ever so gently.

I kissed her over and over again, lifting her up so she was sitting on the edge of the pool table, and I was standing in-between her legs. She wrapped her arms around my neck, playing with my hair, while my hands rested on her thighs; rubbing gently and squeezing. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance and she quickly accepted. As our two tongues battled for dominance Demi moaned slightly into the kiss. I loved when she did that. "HELLO HORNY TEENAGERS, YES HELLO GREETINGS!" I heard a woman say as she pushed Demi and I's head apart. "Noah you're dad and I had a bet that you two would be making out when I came down here. I won." My nana laughed smacking her knee. For someone who was sixty-three years old, my nana was pretty freaking cool.

"Demi hello honey how are you?" She asked her pushing me backwards and gave my girlfriend a warm hug. She always liked Demi, she thought she was just perfect for me. "Is Noah treating you good or is she a little asshole?" Demi just laughed for a moment and shook her head.

"No Bev, Noah is amazing I promise." She laughed.

"Well I guess I should probably say hi to you too, seeing as you are my flesh and blood. How are you sweetie?" She asked bringing me into a hug. She kissed my forehead and looked me up and down. "You're tall but you still have small boobs, I'm surprised Demi's still with you."

"Wow nana, always really good seeing you too." I giggled hugging her again. Gasped for a moment and then smacked me in the side of the head. "Ouch! What the heck?" I said looking quite confused.

"Did you have sex? Why do you have hickeys?" She lifted up the back of my shirt and did the same thing to Demi. "And why does Demi have scratch marks on her back and hickeys everywhere?!" She said loudly.

"Jeesh nana, please speak a little bit louder I don't think the people in Kenya heard you!" I laughed trying to play it off cool. "But anyways, Demi and I are gonna watch a movie so we'll visit a bit later okay." I smiled taking Demi's hand.

"Oh no you aren't, you girls are gonna stay with Nana all day and all tomorrow since she drove for seven hours to come and visit you!" She smiled pinching my cheeks. I groaned. I wanted to spend the weekend with Demi alone; not with my freaking Nana no matter how cool she was. "C'mon girls, let's go shopping." She suggested leading us up the stairs. Oh boy, shopping with nana.

Demi's P.O.V

While Noah and her dad went off to go look in the music store, Bev and I walked into La Senza. I really needed some new bras and underwear seeing as Noah would probably be looking at me that way more often now. I went around the store with Bev by my side, casually picking up a few thongs, some girl cut boxers, and a few bras that matched them.

"What are you getting those to wear for Noah?" Bev asked in a rather loud voice. I widened my eyes at her, no one knew about Noah and i. she must have forgotten that.

"Bev no one knows about Noah and I yet!" I said in a yell whisper type of voice. She covered her hands with her mouth and apologized. I just laughed a little bit and walked up to the cashier. "Hello." I smiled getting out my wallet.

"Hi that will be $67.89." She told me as she bagged my purchases. I handed her four twenties and waited for my change. "Thanks for shopping." She smiled handing me back my change and my bag. We walked out of the store only to be met by Noah and her dad Dave. "Hey baby." I smiled at Noah.

Noah walked closer to me, but then she did something I never thought she had the courage to do. She bent her head down, capturing my lips with hers. She never wanted to do that before; she was always scared of what would happen if people saw us kissing. "Hey babe." She said simply, smirking cockily down on me. She wrapped her arm around my waist and we began to walk down the hall of the mall. "So what did you get baby?" She asked me.

"Just some bras and stuff." I giggled looking up at her. "You can see them later if you want." I winked at her. She tipped her head back from laughter and kissed the side of my head. I didn't want to ask any questions of why she changed her mind on the whole secretive relationship thing, I liked this.

*Hey guys I hope you liked this! please comment to let me know what you think okay. also vote and follow me?!?!? ily babes.*

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