Chapter 3

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It was around 8:30pm when Judy and Nick finally made it back to Judy's apartment building. Just as they were about to bid farewells, Judy turned. "You know," she said. "You've been to my place before, but the funny thing is I've never been to yours." Nick's eyes widened, and he began to shake slightly. "O-Oh really!" He choked nervously. "Well, I guess I should bring you over some time!" Judy smiled sweetly. "That would be lovely! Do you want to come in for a while?" She asked. Nick scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well.. Um I would love to, but I really gotta head back, but definitely some other time Carrots!" He said as cheerfully as possible. "Okay!" Judy said. "See ya tomorrow partner." She closed the door quietly behind her, leaving Nick alone, in the cold, cruel night. Oh, how he should have told Judy the truth. He had told a lie, one that he couldn't get out of. The guilt he felt, lying to his best friend.
He didn't have a home.

Trudging along a cobbled path, Nick could view the bridge in the distance. Under that bridge was where Nick technically called home. Nobody knew this, because he knew a fuss would be made, and he just couldn't deal with that kind of attention. He knew as soon as Judy found out she would flip, and do everything she could to help him. That's what he loved about her. That, and also her beautiful smile, shining eyes... Nick shook himself awake from his daydream. What was he saying? He wasn't in love with Judy, but why would he think those things?
Nick finally made it to the bridge. It was a cold night, but no matter how hard he wrapped the blanket around himself, he still shivered. A silent tear trickled down his cheek. He had to turn his life around, somehow. Boy, his past was traumatic enough, he needed to make up for it now in his adult years. The wind howled, the leaves from the trees blew about making an unsettling sound. It was going to be a long night.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!" rang Judy's alarm, jolting her awake. 6:00am. The last thing she wanted to do was to get up, but there was still two missing mammal criminals to catch. She couldn't let Zootopia down now!
Slipping into her uniform, Judy made some last minute checks in the mirror to ensure her appearance was decent. "Let's go!" She said to herself.

"Hey Clawhauser!" Judy said cheerfully as she walked into the ZPD. "Oh, hey Judy! Nick is here already, just to let you know!" Clawhauser, said, beginning to tuck into a chocolate donut. Judy's heart fluttered at just hearing his name. Nick...
Opening the door to their office quietly so as not to startle Nick, Judy entered the room. Nick was sat on a chair, doing nothing. He seemed quite upset about something. Judy's smile faded when she saw this. "Nick?" she murmured. He looked over at her, not smiling or saying anything. Judy hopped up into the seat beside him and placed a reassuring paw on his arm. "Please tell me what's wrong," she pleaded, looking deep into his eyes. "Just tired," he said, not looking her in the eye. Judy rolled her eyes. "I know your lying Nick," she said forlornly. "Your usually really happy in the mornings! All buzzing and ready to go go go!" Judy said, trying to cheer him up. Nick looked at her blankly. "Not today Carrots," he said, getting off the chair and leaving her. "Wait!" Judy shouted, scampering after him. "Please Nick, yesterday you told me I was your best friend! That means you can tell me anything! I just wanted to help!" She breathed, as what she had just said was quite a mouthful. "Carrots, I lied to you," Nick sighed. "I lied." Shocked, Judy stuttered. "A-About what?? Am I not your best friend?!" Nick looked at her now. "What? No Judy, of course your my best friend, but what I did lie about, was...." Judy looked at him, her eyes wide with expectation. "What?" She mumbled quietly. Nick closed his eyes, forming a pained expression. "I don't have a home," he said finally.
Judy lifted a paw up to her mouth. "Oh Nick," she said close to tears. "Why did you not just tell me? I would have helped you get a new place, a-and in the mean time, you could have lived with me!!" Nick looked at her smiling. "I didn't want a whole fuss to be caused, I mean, I'm pretty happy sleeping in a box under a bridge," he said, chuckling nervously. This made Judy gasp more. "That's it mister, your living with me!" Judy said sternly. Nick looked at her, shocked. "Judy, I don't know, I mean, isn't that a little much?" He said. Judy shook her head. "Nick, your my partner. It's no biggie, just come live with me for a while, and we'll try find a place for you!" She said, excitedly. "I don't think we'll find a place that easy," Nick said quietly. "Why not?" Judy asked. "There's tons of places in Zootopia, if your lucky you could even get an apartment in the same building as me! Wouldn't that be great!" She said, desperately trying to lift Nick's spirits. Nick looked at her with a pained expression. "Carrots, you just don't understand. I have tried to get a place in the past, but...." He struggled to finish. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "People immediately view me as sly, cunning and well, on the whole, a bad person. It's like that with pretty much all foxes. Since I was a cub, it's always been the same. So whenever I did try to rent a place, they thought I wasn't trustworthy enough to pay the monthly rent, because I was a fox." Nick was now visibly upset. "I'm sorry Nick," Judy said sadly, placing a paw on his. Nicks whole body warmed up at her touch. Why was he feeling this way?
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a place to live Nick. No friend of mine lives out in the cold." Nick smiled. "Thanks Carrots," he said, pulling her in for a hug.

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