Chapter 18

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Roxy! No! He had completely forgotten about her. Now that he had Judy, he didn't have the urge to hang out with her. He felt as if now he'd have a lot of explaining to do. Just his luck.
"Nick? Who is it?" Judy asked, surprised, as if it was Finnick he would have answered already. Judy peered at his screen, but Nick held it to his chest, hiding it. Judy's eyes widened in fear. What was he hiding? "Nick?! Who is it? Do you have a....girlfriend?" She asked, folding her arms, but this time, she was was actually angry. Nicks eyes widened. "No! Of course I don't!" He shouted, but he was still shaking. He couldn't tell her. Judy would for sure think she was seeing Roxy, and never speak to him again. He couldn't lose her, not this way. "Then why can't you tell me?" Judy shouted. Nick sighed. "Fine, I will! It was Roxy, but I promise you I've never went to see her, I haven't even spoken to her since the hospital!" He said frantically, praying Judy would believe him. "Then why were you hiding your phone from me? Only a cheater would do that!" Judy said, pointing at him, close to tears. Nick's ears flattened when he heard those words. He wasn't a cheater! "Judy it's not like that! I was just trying to..." Nick tried to explain but Judy cut him off "Trying to what? Hide the truth? Nick, to think that I loved you..." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks now. "Judy!? How can you jump to conclusions like that! Remember when I asked for Roxy's number! That was because I needed to get myself a girlfriend, because my love for you was killing me, because I knew I couldn't have you!" Nick said loudly. There was silence for a few moments. Judy's eyes widened. For a moment she had sympathy for the fox, but then clenched her fists. "Nick, the way you hid your phone from me, I know your hiding something." Judy said, bursting into tears once again. She turned and fled for the door, slamming it behind her. "Judy wait!" Nick shouted, opening the door to chase her, but she was already gone. There would be no point in chasing her.
Judy ran out of the hotel and began walking once she reached the sidewalk. Looking down at the grey concrete ground, she watched the tears splash against it making a trail of tiny puddles as she walked. Her heart was breaking, how could he? Nick had cheated, she was sure of it. It had only been a day, but so much had happened. She knew she wouldn't be able to trust him with Roxy, he would realise soon enough that a bunny and a fox just weren't meant to be. It would be just like him to go crawling back to his own kind. What hurt even more, is that Nick didn't even follow her...
Judy had no idea where she was going, but as long as she kept walking in a straight line, she could find her way back. She needed a break from Nick for a while. Why did Roxy have to ruin everything!?
Nick paced up and down the hotel room, thinking hard. Why did he have to act up so bad over nothing! He should probably tell Roxy, but he couldn't bear to do it now. He prayed that he hadn't lost Judy forever. She was the only one he wanted to be with. If this was the end, he wouldn't find anyone else. Then he pulled out his phone and called Judy. "Pick up, pick up, pick up!" Nick groaned.
Meanwhile, Judy was still walking, but slower now. She looked back, but Nick wasn't following her. Suddenly, her phone began to ring. Pulling it out, she knew who it would be immediately. Sighing, her paw moved back and forth. Oh how she wanted to run back to that hotel and throw herself in his arms, never letting go. But she was still full of hurt, jealousy, and sadness. Hitting decline, she hung her head low.
The phone stopped ringing. Nick looked at the screen, his face falling. A silent tear slid down his cheek as he sunk into the bed, head in his hands. Then he had a perfect idea.
He would ring Roxy right now.
"Hello?" Nick heard her familiar sweet voice on the other line. "Is that Nick? I was wondering when you'd call back!" Nick sighed. "Roxy, I gotta tell you something. Me and Judy, well.... We're going out now," Nick said, wincing as he awaited her response. "Oh... Well that's great!" She said. She sounded hurt, but Nick really didn't care at the present moment. "But Roxy, when you called a while ago, Judy thought you were my girlfriend, and that I had cheated on you!" He let out. Roxy gasped. "Nick I'm so sorry! I didn't know! We have to get to Judy and tell her!" She said frantically. "Yes, but Roxy, we're in Silver City!" Nick groaned. "But we have to do something! She's left the hotel room, she won't answer my calls, I have no idea where she is!" "You didn't go after her?" Roxy asked. You could hear the surprise in her voice, making Nick feel a pang of guilt. "She was gone before I got out the door. A-and I knew she needed time to herself.... But I'm worried about her!" Nick said. "We need to do something now!" Roxy thought. "I think I have an idea." She said. Nick's ears perked. "Well what is it?" He asked impatiently. "Give me your number Nick. I'll ring her, tell her everything that you told me, and get you guys back together," Roxy explained. "You think it will work?" Nick asked worriedly. "It should, hopefully," Roxy sighed. "So what's her number."

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