Chapter 24

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At about 5am, Judy and Nick finally made it back to the hotel, utterly exhausted. "Nick," Judy panted as they walked up the stairs to their room. "My legs... I'm tired," she whined. Nick rolled his eyes, and scooped her up into his strong arms. "Thank you sly fox!" She said tapping his nose. Nick smiled at her, in awe at how someone could look so beautiful despite having no sleep for almost 24 hours. "You look very pretty tonight, Judy," he whispered. Judy blushed, looking at the ground shyly. "Thank you," she whispered back. "I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you Nick. I don't know what I would do without you." Nick set Judy down and fumbled in his pocket for the room key, and unlocked the door. The room was surprisingly warm as they entered. Nick switched on the lights. "5:15am" he said groggily looking at the clock. "Bed time!" He said, flopping onto the bed. Judy crept into the other bed beside him, turning off the lights. "Night Nick," she said, head hitting the pillow.
Nick coughed. "Judy?" He asked. Judy turned over. "Yes?" She asked. "I'm a little cold." Nick pouted. A slow smile crept up Judy's face. She got out of her bed and snuggled in with Nick, he was so warm. "I didn't think you would want us to sleep together," Judy confessed. "What?" Nick gasped. "Of course I do! Your my girlfriend, remember?" Judy giggled, punching him lightly. "Yes, I remember," she said sarcastically. Nick wrapped his arms around Judy, holding her close to his chest. Judy breathed in his musky scent. With him she was at peace. Kissing his cheek, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, close to Nick.
The next morning, at around 11:30am, the pair woke up, still in each other's arms from the night before. Judy groaned when she remembered the long flight home she would have to go through. She was exhausted, and so was Nick. The past few days had been hectic, and all the two wanted was to sleep.
"Have you even told Chief Bogo the criminals have been caught?" Nick asked wearily, rubbing his eyes. Judy sighed. "No, I guess I should do that now," she said. Taking out her phone, she rang Bogo.
"Hello Sir, I am happy to report that both criminals have been caught and are now in jail. Nick and I will be arriving home this afternoon. Bye," she said. Shoving her phone in her pocket, she set about packing her stuff up, not that she had much to pack anyway.
During the entirety of the motioning, Nick was silent, his only words being mumbled. Judy immediately could sense something was wrong. "Nick?" She asked warily. "Are you okay?" Nick only nodded in response, carrying on with what he was doing. Judy's ears drooped. Nick wasn't usually like this, there had to be something wrong. Judy crept up behind him. "Nick please," she pleaded. "Please tell me what's wrong."  Nick stopped in his tracks and sighed a long, deep sigh. "Nick.." Judy trailed off. "Nothing!!" Snapped Nick. "Just let it be!!" And with that, Nick stomped off into the bathroom, locking the door. Judy stood there in shock, her eyes welling up with tears. Slowly she backed off, and sat on the sofa. How could Nick be like this? How can one day he be super sweet and loving towards her, then the next he throws a temper tantrum and proceeds to scream at her? But it couldn't be to do with her. She hadn't done anything wrong to Nick, she loved him with all her heart.  Judy remained seated, quivering, awaiting Nicks return. From the sounds within the bathroom, he seemed to be crying also. What could be up?
After what seemed years, Nick finally unlocked the door, his hair ruffled, his eyes bloodshot with tears. Judy's eyes widened at the sight of him. Nick looked at Judy, the small bunny looked sad sitting alone on the sofa, her eyes losing that special sparkle of hers, her pretty smile had crept into a solid frown, and her once upright ears had dropped, just like a dead flower. He felt sudden pang of regret, and sympathy for the bunny. He wasn't mad at her at all. His angry outburst, it had nothing to do with her. Well, it kinda did. He was scared to go back to Zootopia. He had a firm feeling that the whole city knew about them. As soon as they would arrive home, they'd be swept into an angry mob, every action being questioned. Nick didn't want to go through that, and he didn't want to put Judy through it either.
"Judy, look, I'm sorry," Nick said forlornly. "I'm just worried about some things, that's all." Judy looked up. "Like what Nick?" She mumbled. Nick took a deep breath. "Like going home." He said. Judy wrinkled up her face in confusion. "Why? Wouldn't you be happy to get home, see everyone at the ZPD, live in our own homes in our own city?" She asked him. "That's just it," said Nick. "Judy, they won't accept us. Not when we're a couple. I know it's not illegal back in Zootopia, but I know we will receive constant hate and disgust thrown at us." Judy thought. She loved Nick way too much to lose him. "Nick, we can do this, together." Judy said firmly. "And if they can't accept that, well, who cares? Nothing will bring us apart." Nick looked at her, she really wanted this. "Because we love each other, no one can break that." Judy carried on. Nick said nothing. "Nick?" She asked. "That's true, right?" The worry was in her voice. Nick looked at her. She was so small, so adorable. How could he not love someone like her. Still not speaking a word, he slowly walked towards her. Kneeling down, he kissed her softly, paws around her tiny waist, hers around his neck. After they pulled away, Nick looked deep into her eyes. "Of course I love you Judy. And if people can't accept that, well that's their problem. Let's go home."

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