Chapter 10

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We reach the front door and I stop Madge walking out.

"Give me a kiss first!" I say.

"But Gale-!" Madge starts.

"Shut up and give me a kiss," I say into Madge's soft lips.

She returns the favour.


It's cold outside. The November air is cold and creates a white little cloud when you breathe out. I grab Madge's gloved hand and pull it into my own.

"Come on then, Strawberries! Let's get to Delia's." I say and look at Madge goosebumps covering her legs.

"Gladly!" she exclaims.

I begin to tug her along, not jogging but not exactly walking either.

"Gale! Slow down!" She holds her hat to keep it on her head.

I laugh and slow down a little.

We reach Delia's in no time. Madge knocks on the frozen door.

"It's open!" Zen shouts from the other side.

I open up the door and we walk through.

We walk to the living room and take a seat in the settee.

"You look gorgeous, Princess! Going anywhere?" Zen asks Madge.

"We're going to get some lunch!" Madge squeals.

I laugh at her excitement.

"That sounds wonderful!" Delia giggles.

"Well, since my wife is my asking, do you guys want anything to drink?" Zen laughs.

"No thanks, we'll get going some and then come back?" I ask.

"No problem, Gale! You go get gone." Zen tells me.

"Come on then Strawberries!" I announce to Madge, grabbing her hand and pulling her up from the settee.

Madge let's go of my hand to kiss Delia and Zen while I shake Zen's hand and

Delia pulls me in for a kiss.

"Enjoy!" They call out the door as we set off in search of food.


"This is gorgeous!" Madge coos at a little restaurant I chose.

"Glad you like it," I chuckle before turning to a member of staff. "Could we please have the table reserved under the name 'Hawthorne'?"

"Certainly, Sir. Let me go and see your table number. Won't be a second." The red haired woman bobs away.

"Oh Gale!" Madge giggles and tucks her arm under mine.

"Right this way, please." The young red haired woman leads us outside.

My stomach fills with butterflies, anxious to see Madge's thoughts. I planned this, this morning.

"Alright, Mr and Mrs Hawthorne, enjoy your meal." The woman gestures to a table on the balcony. Surrounding it, is little orange flowers, I don't know the name of them, though they are my definition of a beautiful flower.

"Oh my, Gale is this ours?!" Madge's mouth hangs open and I reach up and close it.

"Only the best for my girl."

"I love it!" She kisses my check before continuing. "Mr and Mrs Hawthorne, huh?"

"I was trying it out."

"Well it's perfect!"

I hold out the chair and tuck Madge under. I sit myself down too.

Our food is already laid out, soup, chicken, lamb and fruit. We take a little bit of everything and enjoy.


It's about two in the afternoon when we go back home.

"Thank you for the meal, Gale." Madge whispers while placing a kiss to the side of my head.

"You're welcome," I say as I pour water into two glasses.

We sit down together and begin to watch a film. And then another and we even begin a third before Madge starts drifting off.

I carry her bridal style to our room. I undress her carefully and slip on my t-shirt she wears for bed, with a pair of shorts. I undress and dress again in pyjamas. I pull Madge close to my chest and fall asleep with her hand gripping my own.

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