This is could be a fairytale, or not

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I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. Yesterday I had gotten a tour of Halloween town. I didn't really need it since I knew the movie by heart, I knew the town very well.

I stood up and walked to the open door. This is strange, I thought. He said specifically to never leave this door open.

I shrugged and walked down the creaky stairs. They whined and groaned under my weight. When I reached the bottom, Zero looked up from his place on the floor. He jumped up and yipped, begging for attention. I happily obeyed and pat his head. Even though he was a ghost, I could still touch him .It felt like dried ice all packed together in the form of a dog.

I kept walking until I got in the kitchen. Jack was already making me lunch. Or breakfast. I wasn't too sure. There really was no time here. It was light and dark and that was it.

He handed me a plate and smiled. I returned it. We really got to know each other yesterday in our free time. Today was Sally's day with me. I know, I know, it sounds like I was a child and they were my parents who are separated.

I don't think of it like that. I think I am going to like it here.

I took the plate and sat down. I was glad that Jack never makes any meat. That is one thing him and I share in common. We both hate meat. Surprisingly, we have a lot in common, and a few differences. We both have a soft spot for animals. We both hate to see our friends sad or hurt. We both love Halloween. And the list goes on.

One thing we have way different opinions in is modern technology. He hates it. He hates it when he sees me with my phone. I can't use it anyways. I get no bars in this place. Wherever this place is is.

I finished my plate of fruit and put it in the sink. Right then I heard the front door open. I knew who it was with the uneven footsteps. When Sally came into view Jack stood and they embraced.

She looked a me after they let go of each other. "Are you ready sweetie?"

I tensed up. "Please don't call me that."

Jack smiled. He loves to get on my last nerve. This was another thing he could use to do that. "Why not, sweetie?"

"I said don't call me that." I stood there glaring at him.

He opened his mouth again, but Sally placed a hand on his chest.

"If she doesn't want to be called that then we wont call her that." She shot a warning look at Jack. Then she looked at me and smiled. "Lets get going then."

I walked out the door behind Sally, not before sticking my tongue out at Jack in victory.

As soon as we were out of earshot, Sally stopped and turned to face me. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I stopped too, but I didn't face her. I just stared at the ground.

"You don't have to. If it is out of your comfort zone then we will drop the subject now." I looked up and saw a small smile on her face. She was so much more gentle than Jack was. She reminded me of my Mother. . .

"Yeah. Now's not the time." I said.

"So what do you want to do?"

"What is there to do?" I asked.

Sally thought a little bit. "We are having a little bit of a difficulty with setting up for Halloween so visiting everyone is off limits."

"I could help. With the problem" I suggested. I have to admit this could be fun.

"Maybe. . .I don't know if you would be allowed to." She seemed hesitant and. . .scared?

"Lets go ask then." I took the lead towards the mayors house. I heard he was really mad that Jack brought me here. But who argues with Jack the Pumpkin King? And honestly, I don't think I would want to leave this place.

I knocked on the short double doors. They were about as tall as me and black as the night, like most everything here.

It opened to a pale face. He was holding rolls of posters and paper and a mug that was not filled. When he saw me he jumped back and dropped everything. They scattered and rolled everywhere, causing the short mayor to drop himself to pick it all up. His candy corn like structure didn't help him at all. I dropped as well to help.

"Um Mr. Mayor." I said. "I heard you guys are having some trouble." I picked up the last roll and stood, helping him stand. "I could help with this trouble. I-if that is okay with you." I handed him the roll. I glanced at Sally, who was staring at the Mayor desperately.

"Why don't you ask Jack." He snapped. "It was because of him this got messed up."

"What are you talking about--" Sally grabbed my wrist, thanked the Mayor for the talk and dragged me away.

"What are you doing?" I yanked my arm away and stared at her. "What was that for?"

"It wasn't a good idea to bring you here. Jack has been trying to get you here since your mom died, but everyone in Halloween town said no. And for a good reason too." Sally avoided eye contact.

"Are you saying I am a burden to this town?" I asked, hurt.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that humans are not suppose to be here. And if they are. . ." Her voice trailed off. She looked over across the town at Jacks tall house.

"What?" I urged. "What happens?"

"Bad things." Was all she would say to me.

This is a short chapter. But it is a short story.

Anyways hope you liked it. On the side is a picture of Jack and Sally. My sister hates that picture because it is "creepy"

Vote and Comment please!

~Grace W.

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