Of Course

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Ugh I hate school -.- anyone else? It has me in a big writers block, so I apologize. Well this is unusual for me to write an authors note at the beginning of the chapter but. . . I don't know haha I guess I'm just wasting time and space soo on with the story then.


Of course. It is always the Boogie Man.

Under your bed.

The shadow you saw at the corner of our eye.

The one that sends his minions to kidnap you when you did absolutely nothing wrong.

Last thing I remember before getting bashed over the head was being lifted into a cart. I struggled against my restraints, some old but strong rope. That's when one of those brats hit my head like a softball on a tee with a pipe.

I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. I was laying on . . .hay? I wasn't sure. I opened my eyes. My vision was still obstructed by the bag, my wrists and ankles still bound.

I pulled once, twice, three times. I heard footsteps and whispering to my right. I froze, straining my ears to listen.

". . .can't just leave her here." A voice that sounded like The Mayor said.

"I know that!" The second voice hissed. Literally hissed. "I am not stupid!"

"Then can you send her back? Immediately?!" I heard familiar irritation creep into his voice. I heard a clicking and swiveling sound signaling that The Mayor changed his face. Was he nervous? Me. A minor 16 year old, made him nervous?

A bang reverberated through the room. It wasn't a gun shot. It was more like an impact blow. Like someone hitting a table? I don't know. I'm not good with science or whatever.

The second voice sounded afterwards. "I am trying to figure that out."

Steps faded away. I heard a sigh and footsteps follow the first.

I tugged again on the rope on my wrists. I hopped to one side and almost yelped when I landed next to someone. I heard a groan and felt an arm move behind me.

"Jack?" I managed to whisper.

"Yeah" he answered in the same tone.

I tugged again and the poor knot fell apart. I removed my bag and helped Jack out of his situation.

"Did they hurt you?" We sat on our knees facing each other. His hands went up to square my face, checking it like my father would.

"No, I'm fine." I waved his hands away. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? They hit me pretty hard in the head." He let his hands fall. "Did they hit you?"

"Yes but I'm fine. Really" I stood up before he could do anything else. A big wave of nausea hit me and I saw black spots. I stopped moving to clear my vision. What did they do to me?

I hid my state of mind from the tall figure next to me.

"Um." I said quietly. "What are we supposed to do now?"

Jack's feet crunched the hay as he walked. "I don't have a clue." He went over to the table I'm guessing the Mayor and the mystery person was standing by.

I had an itching suspicion of where we were, and who the second person was. I was too scared to put it into words.

I know, I know. Skia don't be a baby. Grow a pair and go check things out.

I silenced the voice in my head and walked the opposite way as Jack. The room was so much bigger than I anticipated. The far wall was brick covered in some kind of green slim. I looked up to see sewer bars. Gross, I thought. I looked at the ground and realized I was stepping in the slime. I got out and watched as the slime from my shoes crawled back to the wall.

Overwhelmed, I turned my back and examined the other side of the room, where Jack was standing. There was small light bulbs hanging on wires from the tall ceiling. The walls to my left and right were cement. Off to the left, there was a giant wheel pinned to the wall, like the one magicians use to throw knives at people. The room stretched into darkness beyond the table.

I jogged over to the skeleton (which wasn't such a good idea). He was examining some papers. I tried to read them but my head spun too much. I am still trying to comprehend what is going on. I still don't understand how I even got to Halloween town.

"Jack?" I said without looking at him. He gave me a small glance and a grunt. "What are those?"

He didn't answer, which terrified me even more.

I heard a slam of a door, which didn't help my head. Large and heavy footsteps sounded from the dark. I knew full well that whoever it was, we did not want to meet.

And whoever it was, they would be able to see us before we saw them.


I know this is short but. . .I don't know. I am struck with a case of TWB (Terrible Writers block) and I'm having problems at school and home :/

Anyway, Hope you had a great Christmas, and happy new year.

-Grace W.

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