Chapter Two

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Two minutes passed and as if on cue a black BMW came around the corner earning me a smirk off Rose.

"Get the car to stop Chris, say I'm unstable and about to jump."

I roll my eyes but before I can stop her she climbs back onto the bridge without a care for her own safety. If I kept her around I'd have to keep an extra eye on her. I walk into the road and flag down the car, the car window rolls down and I could see why Alex had a family history of heart disease because he was obese and barely fit behind the wheel.

"What's the problem?"

"My daughter is threatening to jump, she won't listen to me but maybe she'll listen to you. Will you please help me?" I motion with frantic hands towards the bridge where Rose was acting hysterically.

Alex gets out of the car pretty fast, or as fast he could. I follow behind him as he walks towards the bridge with his hands raised "err, I don't know you miss but you don't want to end your life."

Rose stops and turns to face Alex and jumps off the bridge landing on the grass in front of him, "you're right I don't want to end my life, but my apparent dad is pretty hungry."

Alex's eyes widen and I know my pupils have dilated and my canines have extended. Rose covers her eyes with her hands and next thing I know I'm lunging at Alex and sink my fangs into his neck.


I was curious as to how vampires fed so I took my hands away from my eyes and watched as Chris kept Alex from struggling with a tight grip on the collar of his shirt while drinking without making a mess. Chris pulls back and licks his lips before his fangs disappear and his eyes turn back to brown.

"Chris, you need to wipe his memory and put him back in the car so he can die."

Chris nods in silence before grabbing Alex again and drags him back towards the car. I pick up my satchel ready to part ways with Chris as he gets Alex back into the car and back onto the road.

"Where do you think you're going, Rose?"

I jump as Chris vamp speeds in front of me and stops me in my tracks. In the distance, a car swerves and hits a tree, another one bites the dust. Chris follows my gaze just as Alex's car goes up in flames.

"I can't be around people Chris until I know more about my power and what I'm capable of."

"Come and live with me Rose. Isolation can get lonely, I should know. Plus I have books that could help you understand your power and how to control it."

Well, now that was a plot twist, a vampire offering his home up to a human. My whole body screamed that something bad would happen to me if I went with Chris, but my mind was curious as to how Chris could help me. I'd take the bad with the good, a leap of faith.

"We'll have to make some ground rules Chris, but for now, my answer is yes."

Chris cracks a small smile and motions for me to hand him my heavy satchel, what a gentleman.

"Once we get back to the house we'll come up with some rules to keep us both safe and sane Rose. Now come along before the fire attracts unwanted attention."


Rose hands me her bag and I start to walk back towards the cemetery, the rumours were true that I lived on the other side. The cemetery was falling apart so the town built a newer one closer to town. The silence between us was comfortable until we walked past the mausoleum with my family name written across the arch.

Midnight Snack (Motionless In White/Ricky Horror) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now