Chapter Eighteen

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Ghost and I manage to track Oli down. He was no longer at the warehouse obviously having done a runner once he set mind controlled Ricky on Rose. He was a chicken for running; he couldn't escape all of us. I'd been around for a very long time and had dealt with necromancers before, they were tricky sons of bitches. If vampires were unnatural with our whole being dead but not dead, necromancers thought they were so high and mighty being able to manipulate and in some cases control and raise the dead who should stay dead.

I could see in Ghosts eyes he was eager to hunt down and kill Oli. His enthusiasm was cute for a young vampire, but we couldn't afford any stupid mistakes or we could lose a vampire or two tonight. I wanted nothing more than to be at the house caring for Lauri, but my rage towards the one who caused all this trouble spurred me on to fight.

"Remember to shield your mind as best as you can Ghost. Oli will try and get inside your head if you let him."

Ghost stops in his tracks just outside the park gates and sighs loudly before turning to face me.

"Understood Ville. I'm just pissed off that he chose such a big park."

I agreed with Ghost, but thanks to Rose having one of Oli's jumpers we had his scent and he was hiding somewhere in this park just waiting to strike. He knew we were here to fight to the death, as was he. He wanted a battle well we were going to bring him a two-person war on all fronts.


Josh and I follow Ricky and Rose's scent further and deeper down in this warehouse which looked like it could come down on us at any moment. Rose's scent was strong with fear, and I couldn't have anything bad happen to her because she meant a lot to me. Ricky's scent, on the other hand, held excitement at the prospect of a hunt.

"Chris in here."

Josh who had gone just ahead of me stops at one of the many open doors and motions inside the room. I rush to his side and gasp at the sight in front of us. It looked like we'd just found the four missing students, tied up beaten and bloodied and very much alive unlike the other four.

They all look scared out of their minds seeing Josh and I lurking in the doorway staring down at them being all vamped out. I motion for Josh to stay outside the room while I step inside to wipe their memories of everything that had happened to them. As far as they were aware the four of them had been on an impromptu camping trip out of town and had hurt themselves while camping.

"Are you sure you want to just let them go, Chris?"

I usher the students out of the room after getting them out of their restraints, all the while Josh not being happy with my plan on just letting them go.

"We're not going to kill innocents, Josh. I compelled them, and I don't think Oli put up any blockers obviously thinking he was going to have Ricky kill them and then dump the bodies."

Josh sighs and folds his arm over his chest watching the four students ascend the stairs back up to the surface. Just then a girl screams up from the staircase just behind Josh, it was a painful scream that made even me flinch. It had to be Rose.

We follow the source of the scream until we hit a corridor where the screaming and shouting gets louder. Josh and I check each room down the corridor one at a time but come up empty until the very last door on the right.

I look through the rounded glass window on the door and curse under my breath.

"What do you see Chris? Is it Rose and Ricky?"

I nod, I could see a much bloodied Rose trying her best to talk down and then fight Ricky whenever he lunged at her. She didn't look like she could stand much longer, humans weren't meant to win fights against vampires.

Midnight Snack (Motionless In White/Ricky Horror) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now