Chapter Ten: Acid Rain

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They held a feast in honor of the Shepherd. A celebration like no other, filled with music and good food that their previous king had been hoarding in the castle’s cellar. They indulged, spoke excitedly to one another, giving their thanks to the Shepherd. Children played in the garden, and the people danced as the sun slipped away. The Shepherd walked among them, quietly observing, smiling occasionally and speaking a few words.

James drew near to the man, stayed close to him the whole evening. He presented the Shepherd with his cape, the one he had lost years before. The man smiled warmly, draping the item around the young man’s shoulders and fastening it around his neck. “You wear it.” He insisted, “As a gift.”

News had spread of the Shepherd and his control over the flames, and townsfolk asked him about it. They asked him if he had really melted the bars of the castle gates with his bare hands, and surrounded the king with a ring of fire. He confirmed this, but refused to demonstrate for them. He told them his talent was a tool, not a child’s thing, and was not meant to be toyed with for pleasure.

It was after the festivities, however, when the Shepherd truly felt in high spirits. He walked with James, through the fields that surrounded the city, taking in the peace and silence that had settled over the place. “James,” spoke softly, and the young man looked at him with undivided attention. He took a deep breath before continuing, “My day has come. The city has been restored, and it is time for me to leave.”

He continued walking, but James stopped mid step. “Sir, what do you mean?”

The Shepherd let out a small sigh, turning to face the young man. “We stand on the edge now, my friend. We've come so far, and I have accomplished what I came here to do.”

James felt tears well in his eyes, and he angrily brushed them away. “B-But Shepherd, you-“

The Shepherd cupped the boy’s face, looking into his youthful blue eyes. “Don’t shed a tear. Be thankful for the time we've shared together. It wouldn’t be so precious if there never was an end.”

“B-But…” James whispered, looking up at the Shepherd. “Y-You can't go! You promised I would not be alone, that you would protect me and guide me! Please, Shepherd, please don’t leave us. Don’t leave me.”

“Oh, James. Do you think I would leave you if I felt you were not ready? You are a man now, James. The people need someone to rule them, to look after them. You have the heart, courage and strength that they need. I want you to become their king.”

James’ jaw dropped, and he whispered, “S-Shepherd?”

A smile was returned his way. “Yes?”

“What do you mean? Me, a king? Shepherd, I am no royal blood. I have not fought dragons, I never led armies into combat. I am not worthy, not fit to rule.”

“James, you must be brave. I have confidence in you. You are the only one I would have ruling this city. Please, accept my request.”

“I-I… I just don’t want you to leave…”

“You will always be my heart. And maybe, one day, I will return.”

“Will you?” the boy nearly sniffled.

The man sighed, “Perhaps I will. And I will take you away with me, to accompany me on my adventures, my quests.”

The young man’s eyes lit up, if only a little. “Alright.” He managed a small smile.

The Shepherd touched James’ cheek. “I must thank you, James. You have been so kind to me while I was here. You took care of me, housed me when I had nowhere else to go. You are the only one who had hope in me, the only one that believed that I would accomplish my task. You saved this city just as much as I did. You have taught me so much, and I… I will forever credit your for that.”

James looked at the man, finally a hint of doubt showing through. “I taught you? Sir, I don’t… I’m not…”

“You taught me about compassion, James. You’ve shown me what it means to care for someone completely, and I don’t think I would have been able to save this city without your help.” There was sincerity in his eyes, and he looked down and, was that embarrassment in his expression? Confusion? The Shepherd of fire was puzzled?

“I never expected to meet you, James. I-I never thought…” he sighed and closed his eyes. “I will miss you.”

“Then stay! Why must you go, Shepherd?”

“I have no home, James, and that is the way it must stay. I cannot settle; that is not the life I was born to lead. I am a drifter, a vagabond. I’m sorry, James. I wish I could conform to this life, have a home and a family. But I could never do that, I would despise it.”

James gave the man a small smile, “Yes, I suppose you would.” He replied. They continued to walk, entering the city again and making their way to James’ home. “When will you go?”

“Tonight. As soon as we return to your home I will be off with Nightmare.”

The young man looked down, and they trod in silence, enjoying the presence of each other’s company.

When they arrived at James’ humble abode, the Shepherd pressed his forehead against the boy’s. “Be strong, my king.” He murmured to him, “May you conquer your foes, and may your people love and cherish you.”

He called to Nightmare, and the horse trotted out from behind the house, nudging the Shepherd excitedly and prancing about him. He chuckled quietly and patted her neck before turning to James. “Farewell, my friend.” He smiled sadly, before swinging onto the horse. “Until we meet again.”

James raised a hand in departure, afraid to speak for the emotion that would spill from his lips. The Shepherd and his steed galloped off into the west, the way he had come to save the city all those years before. James sighed softly and turned to go inside, but not before he heard the thunderous voice of the Shepherd of Fire ring out a final time throughout the city, “Hail to the king!”

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