Chapter 4

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Taylor's P.O.V:

(A little bit of cussing in this chapter srry if you dont like it but I couldnt find other words to use)

The girl that was guested earlier started talking but I just now realized it was the one, the only . . . Sasha King and her minions. She said to the minions "Well if it isn't the Younow reject. She finally got someone other than Jacob to help you get your fame back. I mean he can only take you so far."

I hate it when she brings up my past. And it isn't even true. They don't even know the full story. "Well if it isn't Sasha King and her minions. Your finally getting over Jacob." I mocked. This got her mad because she really liked Jacob in the 6th grade. Seriously her face is bright red with embarrassment and anger. "What is Jacobs little worshipper getting mad?" I ask innocently.

Suddenly a smirk comes on her face. She says "Well I guess you are a little hoe aren't you? First your with Jacob for fame and now you live with Jonas and does God knows what."

She knew she was hitting a weak spot so she continued. "Hey isn't that what happened to your brother-"

Thank God for Jonas or she woud have kept going. He said "Well that's enough for today so bye Sasha I love you stay beautiful." After that he quickly got off the broadcast and faced me. "What was that?" He asked.

I knew he was going to ask me this but the way he was looking at me meant I couldn't get out of this. I decided to only tell him the part about Sasha.

"Well me and Sasha go way back. We used to be so close. Sasha, Jacob, and I were so close. You remember Jacob right?" When he nodded I continued. "Back in 2nd grade Sasha told me that she liked Jacob. I told him that she liked him and he told me he didn't like her like that. So I said to Sasha what he said and she got really mad. Like, three times as bad as just now."

"She thought I was lying to her and she started yelling at me. By then we were at recess so being the 2nd graders we were everybody started to watch. She had drawn a lot of attention to herself."

"She told me she was going to prove me wrong and that Jacob did like her so she went up to him and kissed him. Cooties were still a thing back then so he pushed her back and she tripped and fell. Everyone was laughing at her and that is pretty scarring for a child."

"At first I felt bad for her but ever since then she's tried to make my life miserable. She switched schools but she ruined my social life with gossip. After that me and Jacob stopped being friends with her and started being friends with Natalie who you met at the mall." A small blush crept on his face. Could he like Nat?

"Sasha came back in 6th grade better than ever. She also brought those two other girls with her but I like to call them her minions."

Jonas said "What about the Younow thing?" This is what I was hoping to avoid. Seeing that I was hesitating he said "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I say "Thank you" and I mean it. I don't think I'm ready to tell people what happened just yet.

"Well, it's about time for dinner. We should go..." I trailed off a bit awkwardly.

He saw where I was going and said "Yea we should but you you know you can always tell me anything right?" taking a couple steps towards me. I found myself stepping closer to him too. Soon enough we were right in front of each other. We're leaning in and we were about to kiss until my mom shouts "Dinner time!" We akwardly pull away from each other and he says "Let's go." I just nod and go to the dinning room without another word.

Heyy wassup guys! Sorry the update took so long but I'm suuper uncreative and couldnt come up with things to say for the first part. Anyway how did you guys like it. I hope you do because I wrote half of it in my science class and almost got my school ipad tooken away. Anyway (2nd time) does anybody have any ideas for what will happen for the first day of school. Please pm me if yu do. Btw follow my friendCrankThatFrankDaddy. Okay so follow me too and please vote and comment. Oh and I also want to update at exactly 12:30 so lets see if we can stick to that. Ok noooww byyee!

Word count: 816

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