The gentle sound of the waves crashing against the boat, causing it to rock soothed most of the sailors to sleep. Some were still up managing the ship and keeping a watchful eye out for rocks or enemy ships. The sky was now dark and it had become near to impossible to see. Luckily the ship had some lights around the ship so you could somewhat see what was near. The real challenge was navigating around all the small islands laid out around the Caribbean sea.
Sometime later the sound of whistles sounded throughout the ship just before whoever was sitting in the crows nest yelled. "Were Here!" The ship began to bustle with life as everyone made their way to their stations to prepare the ship for docking. Yawning loudly from the commotion Mabel sat up. She was still wearing her clothes minus the boots, jacket and weapons. Clara told her to keep things close just in case. Throwing on her jacket she stepped outside where the crew was running about the ship grabbing ropes and doing their jobs to slow down the ship. Despite it being past midnight the town still seemed busy with life. Laughing and shouting, everyone seemed to be having a good time.
Mabel made her way up to the Helm and stood next to Clara who was watching as Samuel shouted orders to the crew.
"Were docking on the portside! Grab the rope pull up the sails no sails were coasting in! Hurry up you dogs!"
Mabel sat watching him then looked out at the town.
"Were restocking on supplies, I have to meet with some old friends, you can come with if you would like." Clara said casually despite all the commotion. Mabel nodded wanting to explore some. "Stay close though, Nassau is a place of pirates and freedom, we wouldn't want you getting hurt."
"I can take care of myself just fine, thank you." Mabel responded slightly offended. But soon another whistle blew as the ship came to a full stop and the board to connect the ship and the dock was set down. Clara and Mabel made their way off the ship and towards the beach. Just behind the crew was taking crates filled with empty bottles of rum and other supplies to be traded off the ship.
Once on the island it took some time to walk off the beach and onto the sandy boards that were considered the streets. Men and women laughed as they drunkenly talked among other things. Walking up the steps of what looked like a bar the two sat down before a waitress came and smiled at the two setting down to wooden mugs filled with beer. Smiling as the waitress left Mabel pushed the mug away.
"You don't like beer?"
"It tastes terrible."
Clara laughed and took a drink before three other pirates came and sat at the table. "Mabel, meet Edward, John and Francis."
"What did you call us here for lass, decided the pirate life ain't good for ya? Ganna give me yer ship?" Edward asked.
Clara glared, "You can pry my ship off of my dead body once I'm deep under the sea. Anyways, any news on sightings of Blackbeard's ship?"
"I told you, girl, he's retired." John replied.
"He went missing, not retired." Francis replied. The two began arguing and with a sigh Clara shot her gun shooting the hat off of John's head.
"But I didn't, so any news?"
"Nothing," The three replied
"Right, well that was all then,"
"Just wait a moment, whose your friend?" Edward said.
"This is Mabel,"
"Mabel the witch?"
"I prefer magician," Mabel stood up. "Here your drinks are looking kinda low." The mugs the three pirate captains were holding began filling with more beer. They watched their jaws slightly agape as the two girls walk away. As the girls went down the stairs they could hear the boys getting scolded by the waitress.
"You boys haven't even touched your mugs?! What kind of pirates are you?!"

Magic in the Caribbean
Historical FictionThe year is 1745 the time of sailing the seven seas is now. A British Naval ship off the coast of Cuba has seized a young woman, making its way back to Britain with the captured girl, but what they did not realize, was that they had all been played.