Mabel woke up sometime later sitting up with a start. She looked about the room and found she was in the medical area of the ship. The doctor turned and got up before running out of the room. He soon returned with a very angry Clara.
"What bloody hell is wrong with you?!" Her Irish accent was more pungent than normal. "You almost got us killed!" She growled causing Mabel to flinch.
Clara sighed and sat down at the foot of the bed. "I suppose it's partly my fault, I automatically assumed you would know how to use your weapons. Were back at Nassau, I have you weapons and clothes in my room, you'll be wearing this for the time being." Clara pointed at some worn clothing, a black shirt with a white jacket, matching white pants and boots. "Your staying here on Nassau for the time being, Edward, John, and Francis will start teaching you how to use your weapons, and sail. Once your done you can come and find me." Clara stood up and looked back at Mabel before leaving the medic area.
Mabel was filled with emotion, she knew she had disappointed Clara, she had thought highly of her, as a Badass who was taking it to the brits. But really all those badass things she had done were complete accidents. She had only just begun discovering her powers and so her experimentations led to huge accidents that then got her in large amounts of trouble. After all the pirates were the only ones that were welcoming of a witch.
Pulling her new set of clothes on Mabel sighed and made her way to the deck of the ship. Samuel nodded and Clara who was still angry at her was shouting orders to her crew to prepare for their departure. Looking down Mabel made her way off the ship and down the dock where the three pirates waited on the beach for her.
"I See yer fucked up real good little witch!" Edward smirked.
"Shut it Edward, Looks like your going to be with us for a little while. Edward is going to teach you how to use a blade, he's the best one out of us three at that. I'll be teaching you how to sail, and Francis will be teaching you navigation and crafting, which is the boring bits of the three of us, but I think you'll survive through it.
To start you'll be working with Francis, He's going to be teaching you the ins and outs of everything once you pass through his boring, crap then you'll go to Edward, then to me." John said his gaze not leaving Mabel's the entire time he talked.
"Right well come on," Francis turned and began walking, Mabel followed looking behind her at Clara's ship leaving the island. Sighing she turned back around and continued to follow Francis towards the bar. Then she was led up the stairs, into the building then back down the stairs where an assortment of alcoholic beverages were set up.
"Your going to be teaching me in a cellar?" Mabel asked looking about at the dust.
"Yes," He opened the windows causing warm summer air to breeze into the cellar before he dusted off a seat.
"Now then take a look at this." He handed a hand drawn map of the Carribean to Mabel. "You will memorize the names of each island, where they are, what powers occupy them. You also will learn your way around a ship, a sword, a gun and any other valuable knowledge needed to be a pirate."
"Why do I need to learn all this?"
"Because Clara sees promise in you, and so do we. Teaching you all we know will make you one of the best pirates out there. Now get studying, I'm going to quiz you by sundown, if you fail well.." Francis placed a whip on the table. "I'll have to use this, not In a kinky way either. So get crackin'."
With that Francis was out of the cellar and had left Mabel alone to study the map.
Soon the light in the cellar began to fade and Mabel knew she had ran out of time. She went over the map again and again reading rereading doing everything she could to memorize it, but she had gotten distracted by the mouse drinking from a leak in one of the beer barrels.
"I hope you memorized all of that." Francis said walking down the steps taking the map away and setting down another one without labels. "By the time were done I want you to be able to draw a precise map of the Carribean. But for now, I say the name you point at where you think It is." Francis set down across from her unraveling the whip.
"Let's start with the easy ones.. Cuba" Mabel pointed and he nodded going down the list, but once they got to the smaller areas it got pretty scary for Mabel.
"Tortuga.." Mabel pointed, she had gotten it wrong. Francis swung the whip with a loud smack it had barely missed her arm.
"Next time you won't be so lucky, get some sleep I want this memorized correctly by morning."

Magic in the Caribbean
Historical FictionThe year is 1745 the time of sailing the seven seas is now. A British Naval ship off the coast of Cuba has seized a young woman, making its way back to Britain with the captured girl, but what they did not realize, was that they had all been played.