Mabel soon realized that the ship was to big for a ten man crew which meant the majority of the work was on her part. Using her magic she controlled the ships sails. Watching her crew on the deck as they laughed and talked among one another she began to feel sick.
"Our captain is pretty hot,"
"I would love to be in a room with her."
Things along those lines were said as the ship continued to make its way towards Edward, John, and Francis just off in the distance she growled at the crew.
"You should mind your tongues." She growled angrily before ropes came flying from all directions of the mast picking up the crew and throwing them overboard until no one was left on the ship but her. The ropes made their way back to their original positions as Mabel slowed the ship down to a stop next to the three pirates smaller ships.
"Not going to be able to sail that ship all on your own." John said.
"I'll manage, lets get going."
Then they were off, she followed the other three who were much faster then she was. They made their way back to Nassau Mabel had to ancor her ship inside the bay because it was to big to dock. Then she hopped over to Johns ship and waited tell they were docked before disembarking.
"So why did you throw those men over board?" John asked following her off his ship.
"They had ill intentions for their captain,"
"It'll be hard to find a crew that won't have that."
"I'll figure something out."
"So tomorrow your going to set off?"
"The day after, like you said, I need to get a crew. And I need to remodel the ship as well. It yells Spanish to loudly. I'm thinking painting the majority of the ship black, the bits that are gold red, get new sails up and a knew helm."
"That's a heck of a lot of work."
"Yeah, maybe three days tell I set out."
John nodded before walking up the stairs to the bar. The british had recently built a small base just outside of Nassau. Their intention was to rid the town of pirates entirely. Which meant a lot of guards were capturing and killing a lot of good sailors. Mabel was going to go around and free who she could tomorrow, Saving a sailors life would make them loyal. Or so that's what her thinking was.
Making her way up to the bar she sat down and got some rum and drank with the three pirateers. Once the night was late and the others disappeared she headed back down to the docks and got on a small boat then rowed her way to her ship. Using her powers she got some ropes to pull the row boat up before making her way into the captains quarters. It was a mess in here, junk everywhere. Sighing she made her way to the bed and collapsed onto it. Not remembering the last time she had slept in a bed, she passed out cold.
Early the next morning Mabel made her way back to the island and began running about the rooftops of Nassau keeping a watchful eye out for any sailors in need. The task was simple, kill the Brits that were harassing the sailors and have a loyal sailor at her side. As the day got later she had freed at least thirty sailors. With that large number now making their way to her ship she headed to the portside shop and began talking to the person behind the desk.
After talking to him for a bit and paying for everything she ordered she then went back to the bar where she found the three pirateers again. It would take a week to get the ship fitted and set up with everything she had ordered. That had given her plenty of time to get a big enough crew for the ship.
Days began to pass and soon the week was up. Mabel made certain she avoided looking at her ship tell it was finished. Now she was making her way through the forest to get to the top of the cliff facing the bay. She wanted to see her ship in its entirety. She had hoped the ship would look good being that she spent all the coin she had on the ship. She was penniless but that would all change. Finally getting up to the cliff she looked out at her ship. The sails were up but you could make out the color. The rest of the ship was painted black and the outer designs were red. At the front of the ship you could make out a figure head of a Dragon, its wings spread and its mouth open wide, as if it were about to eat something.
Smiling the ship looked exactly as she invisioned. She had a large crew, a chef. She hadn't had a quartermaster or a Helmsmen yet but she would as the crew proved themselves to her. Finally ready to embark she dived off the cliff and into the ocean just below. Swimming her way to the beach not to far away.
"Ahh there's the newest addition to our pirate crew." Edward smiled. "We got you a present before you leave." Just as he said that someone on her ship began raising a flag, a black flag with a purple skull.
"Now your officially a pirate, lass. Take what you want and give nothing back!" Francis smiled.
Soon after that Mabel was on her ship one of the crewmen was standing up on the helm. A taller man with short spiked hair and a cool coat. Mabel had seen the outfit before, it was a signature assassin outfit she thought.
"Captain, my names Eli Haul, I took the liberty of setting the crews designated battle positions, and their overall jobs, I also helped clean up your cabin so it should look quite nice now. Changed the sheets and remodeled." The man smiled looking at her. He was the first man she had saved about a week ago.
"I would like to be your quartermaster if I may."
"Permission granted, Eli, lets set sail." Mabel grabbed the custom made helm tracing her fingers over the dragon design carved into the wood.
"Ancor up! Half sails!" Eli yelled.
The crew began to work pulling the anchor up and lowering the sails. The sails were black with a red dragon breathing fire in the center of them. She had decided to name her ship Scultone, the dragon that had the power to kill humans with its gaze, the figurehead, the sails and the overall design of her ship was made to resemble that dragon.
Once the ship had begun moving and Mabel steered the ship out of the bay they were finally off heading out to find Blackbeard.

Magic in the Caribbean
Narrativa StoricaThe year is 1745 the time of sailing the seven seas is now. A British Naval ship off the coast of Cuba has seized a young woman, making its way back to Britain with the captured girl, but what they did not realize, was that they had all been played.