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Hinata's P.O.V

Hinata couldn't get the tragic thoughts out of his mind, the fact that Kageyama would never walk kept burning through his thoughts. The guilt, it was all that was flowing through him,beside the forever growing tears that would swell up in his eyes every time he told himself that it was his fault, even though it had already been 2 weeks since the event Hinata would never get over it.
Whenever Kagyama would show up at their volleyball games Hinata's heart would drop with guilt, causing him to fail every attempt of a spike.

As Hinata finished up volleyball practice he was approached by Daichi and Sugawara.
"Hinata!" Said Daichi, stopping Hinata as he began to walk out the door.
"We all know your still sad about the whole incident but you can't stay like this forever, it's not what kageyama would want."
His words widened Hinata's eyes, his words seemed so true but of course Hinata didn't want to believe it. Then Sugawara spoke.
"Hinata it's alright that your still upset but it certainly wasn't your fault." He said, placing his hand on Hinata's shoulder.
Hinata had so many feeling bottled up inside him, his emotions, he let out quickly. In an instant he flicked Suga's hand of his shoulder, is eyes bulging with fury.
"You don't know that!!" Screamed Hinata "you've got no idea how it feels to have been the cause of Kageyama never walking again!!"
The rest of the team turned to Hinata in shock. Suddenly Hinata turned raced out the door for no one to see him, he grabbed his bike and raced home.

As he peddled as fast as he could tears flew out of his golden brown eyes, washing away behind him. As every car drove past, it's headlights blinded him for a few short seconds, almost causing him to lose his balance.
"I hate myself!" He told himself "why am I such an idiot!"
He soon began to reach the same bridge that caused the tragic event. As soon as he came to the middle he stopped, tears still flowing out of his eyes. He looked up, seeing the river that went on for miles. He had an idea.
He gently rested his bike on the railway, making sure it wasn't in his way. He looked over the edge, it was still the same deep, rapid river that lay below. He took a deep breath as he spoke.
"I'm so sorry." He said to himself "please forgive me."
With no more being said he began to climb to the top of the railing until he could perfectly stand on the top railing. He took one last final breath, taking one foot forward in order to jump. He couldn't bare the guilt any longer so he guesed this was the best option, but was this really, the end? Suddenly as he began to lose his balance he was interrupted but someone grabbing at his wrist, pulling him down causing him to fall backwards on the cold, hard ground.
As Hinata hit the ground he looked up in hope that it was Kageyama, his hopes were dropped. The two figures that stood before him were Tanaka and Nishinoya.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU DUMBASS!!!" Shouted Tanaka, his face covered with fury.
"Just because you can't get over something doesn't mean you've got to end your life you idiot!!!!" Spoke Nishinoya.
As Hinata sat there in silence he was interrupted by his uncontrollable tears rushing down his face.
"I'm sorry!" He shouted "I don't know what I was th..thinking!" He sobbed.
"Come on, we'll take you home while your still alive." Said Tanaka.
As he pulled Hinata to his feet Hinata was shocked to see a certain person standing on the opposite side of the bridge, with his raven hair gently blowing in the wind and a small Bouquet of flowers clenched in his hand. The tall boy's navy blue eyes reflecting the silver moon above. It was Kageyama.

As the two boys stared at each other tears began to build in both their eyes. Hinata's heart was pounding out of his chest, his hands shook with happiness.
Without another moment he race over to Kageyama, his arms widened for a hug. As the two boys reached they rapped their arms around each other, holding each other as tight as they could, tears soaking in their clothes.

As Hinata dug his face into Kageyama's chest he could feel each beat of his heart pounding against his cheeks. This moment was too overwhelming.
" what were you doing on the top of the railings, you weren't trying to jump were you?" Said Kageyama, his arms continuing to hold Hinata close.
"I'm sorry." Hinata sobbed.
Kageyama took his arms off Hinata, slightly push him away so their eyes could meet. When there eyes came upon each other Kageyama pressed a soft kiss against Hinata's lips.
"Get a room you two!" Yelled Tanaka.
"SHUT UP!!" Yelled Kageyama back. Soon the four boys began to break into a laugh, their faces covered with the happiness of everything and everyone returning to the way things once were before. This moment, it would be forever lasting, it would never fade away in their minds for this, this were something special.

The end

I hope you enjoyed my KageHina fanfiction, I apologise if I've left any mistakes, I'm just really lazy,sorry. If you didn't enjoy I will try my best to make it better.

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