Chapter 7

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When the last bell rang, Ashley  and (Y/N) left class together. Ashley wanted to start the tutoring as soon as possible, so  (Y/N) suggested they start that day. The  red head just wanted to get it over and done with, all I have to do is catch up with everyone else and then it will be over. I won't have to spend anymore unnecessary time with  (Y/N) and I won't have to worry about the principal dragging him into this.

As they walked along the crowded hallway together, they were suddenly interrupted.

"What's (L/N) doing with the new girl with the nice ass?" A  voice was right behind them, he was accompanied by Aiden  a very tall but timid boy.

Ashley stopped right in her tracks and swirled around quickly and shot Him a deathly glare, "Did you forget what I did to you the last time you said that?" she hissed.  (Y/N just blinked and turned to Him, trying to process what was going on.

"You should learn to take a compliment, honey." He smirked. It seemed like he was in the mood for being an extra big jerk today. In contrast, Aiden looked extremely uncomfortable beside him, the tall boy looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but there at that moment, and his face was becoming all red and sweaty.

"I don't see it like that. If you say it one more fucking time I swear I'll make you infertile."

"Big words coming from a shorty like you." He teased.

(Y/N) didn't interfere but was becoming annoyed with the way he was speaking to Ashley, jerk.

"Anyway, are you and (Y/N) going out? It's just that my friend here likes you." At that moment, Aiden looked like he was about to explode. He shook his head stupidly and was unable to say anything coherent in response.

Ashley looked up at Aiden for a brief moment, she raised her eyebrows at him and her expression remained blank and unimpressed. The red head then turned back and the glare was back on her face once again, "It's none of your business what I'm doing with him. Leave me alone." Ashley was growing impatient and grabbed hold of (Y/N)'s arm. She pulled him away from the two and hurriedly made her way down the corridor and out of the school building, dragging (Y/N) along with her.

Aiden likes Ashley? No way...And wow, That dude is more of a jerk than I had first thought. Now I can completely sympathise with Ashley for kicking him where it hurts before. When they got outside, (Y/N) felt relief as Ashley's hand left his arm, her grip on my arm was pretty tight...she's really strong.... (Y/N) looked to Ashley and asked, "Are you okay?" his voice was soothing, he wanted to try and calm her down because he could tell that she was all worked up.

"I'm fine. I'm just sick of idiots like them." she muttered and glared at the ground.

(Y/N) forced out a soft laugh in an attempt to lighten up the atmosphere, "So, should we go back to your house then?"

Ashley looked up at him quickly, "No we can't." she raised her voice in an attempt to sound harsh and firm. She was internally panicking at the thought and wanted to make it clear that going back to her place wasn't going to happen.

"Oh...I just thought that you would feel more comfortable in your own—"

"Well you thought wrong." Ashley  interrupted, "Let's just go to your house and get this over and done with. And hurry up, it's cold." she mumbled, shoving her hands into the pockets of her hoodie.

(Y/N) shrugged but smiled, "Oh okay then. I live about fifteen minutes away from here so we can walk."

Despite it being mid-November and the weather being cold, Ashley was grateful that she didn't have to get the school bus. On the days when she had woken up on time, she had taken the bus to school and found it almost intolerable. Everyone was just so loud and annoying.

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