Chapter 17

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There was no time to panic, only time to act as her father's hands tightened around her neck, suffocating her. Ashley reached to his hands and tried to pry them off, but it was to no avail. Tears brimmed in her eyes, he was stronger than she was, and there was nothing she could do. He was going to kill her right now, and then commit suicide. Ashley choked and coughed as she felt the pressure building up in her head due to the lack of oxygen. The pain was excruciating and it felt like her head was literally going to explode. Ashley could feel herself becoming weaker by the second, and her vision became unfocused and blurry. She could just about see the tears streaming down her father's face, and by this point her own face was turning blue. The life was slowly draining out of her and she was absolutely terror-stricken. She didn't want to die, not like this. This was the worst way possible. He was doing this because of his own weakness, his inability to accept her mother's death and because he was unable to live without the woman. It had been the man's downfall and now he wanted to take her down with him. Ashley had no sympathy for him and she did not want to die at his hands. Blackness started to cloud her vision and she was no longer able to see anything, it was terrifying.

Ashley closed her eyes, no longer able to see anything anyway. As she did so, someone came to mind. It was (Y/N), the boy who had been by her side for the past few months. He was the person who had made her laugh and smile even though she had felt dead inside, the one who had the ability to make her feel again, the one who had showered her in nothing but kindness. He was the one who she had shared her first kiss, he was her first love and he had wanted to save her from this mess. If only she had let him, she wouldn't have been in this situation now. As she was drifting into an unconscious state she continued to think about (Y/N).

How will he react to my death? Even if he hates me right now, it would break his heart if I was to die, because that's just what kind of person he is. I don't want his heart to frost over. I don't want someone like him, who's so warm and full of life, to turn cold, like me. I want to be able to see him again, at all costs, no I need to be able to see him. To thank him for all that he's done for me.

Ashley was not sure where the strength came from, but she could only thank (Y/N) as she gathered enough of it to raise her leg and knee her father right in the groin. He let out an agonizing sound and she felt his hands loosen from around her neck. She was finally able to breathe, if only just a little bit, for the first time in what felt like forever. She gasped the air around her and coughed so hard that she felt a burning sensation in her lungs. The redhead wasted no time in taking the chance to rip away her father's hands from her neck. She screamed insanely and kicked her father again with immense strength, this time right in the stomach. The man gasped loudly in pain, and already weakened by the attack to his groin, he stumbled backwards. As the oxygen was once again allowed to circulate Ashley's brain, her vision fully returned and she let out another scream as a forceful kick met her father's chest. It winded him and he fell over, landing on his back; his arm knocked the table on the way down and the gun fell to the ground . Ashley was just glad he was drunk and therefore standing was already a difficult task, she wasn't sure if she would have been able to knock him to the ground like that if he was sober. Then again, she felt stronger than she had ever before.

The adrenaline pulsating throughout every fibre of her body was nothing like she had experienced and she went absolutely berserk. Tears streamed down her face and she found herself laughing rather manically as she attacked her father who had not managed to bring himself to his feet. All those moves he had taught her as a child were now being used against him, and it felt so good. She kicked him in the face and he shouted incoherently at her, trying to get to stop. For the briefest of moments, Ashley panicked as his hands wrapped around her ankle, but she acted fast and got out of his grasp. His hands fell to the ground as Ashley kicked again and she heard a harsh snap at the sound of her father's nose being broken. After being beaten by him for months on end, to finally be able to have the upper hand was causing her to shake with a mixture of excitement and pure rage. She saw the blood oozing from his nose and mouth, and she knew that she had weakened him enough so that if she made a run for it now she would escape and be fine. Ashley resisted the urge to continue to beat him senseless and instead ran out of the door. A gurgling sound was heard as the man's mouth filled with his own blood and he coughed it up. The last thing Ashley heard was his desperate voice calling out her name.

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