Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s bony knuckles sounded  against the hard wooden door of the school counsellor's office. His stomach was churning uneasily and his mouth was dry. He had been fretting over Ashley for the remainder of the weekend and now was his chance to try and help her. He knew full well that a simple visit to the school officer was not going to fix everything straight away. The situation was beyond that, it was complicated and things wouldn't be solved overnight, but today was the beginning.

"Come in." a kind voice called from behind the door. (Y/N) swallowed hard and turned the door handle.

A woman with light red hair and humble brown eyes greeted him with a smile, "Oh (Y/N), it's nice to see you again. Is everything okay?" she turned her full attention to the teenager and beckoned for him to take a seat. Her smile faded away when she saw how drained and stressed out the (Y/N)appeared.

"No...I'm afraid nothing is okay right now." (Y/N) mumbled, taking a seat opposite.

"Well, okay. Care to tell me what the problem is? Is this about your self-esteem?" (Y/N) simply shook his head while trying to formulate how to explain the situation. There was a slight pause and then officer Ral spoke again, "Have you been...self-harming again?" her voice was full of concern.

"N-no, it's not about me this time. My concerns are for a close friend of mine; well she's more than a friend actually..." (Y/N) blushed lightly but subconsciously began to rub one of his wrists with his fingers. Unpleasant memories suddenly flashed across his mind from his freshman year. Things he had placed to the back of his mind and tried to forget.

"Okay, go ahead, when you're ready." Officer Ral said patiently.

(Y/N) swallowed a lump in his throat, "I have a friend who is being abused by her father. At least, that's what I'm sure of. See, she hasn't told me directly but I've seen many nasty looking bruises on her body on more than one occasion. Not only that, I've heard her father yelling at her. I'm just really scared for her safety..."

"May I know her name? It's that, I won't be able to do anything if I do not know who she is" Officer Ral looked at (Y/N) sternly, but at the same time she came across as being deeply caring.

"Ashley Graham , she's in the same grade as me." For some reason he had been hesitant to give her away. (Y/N) felt guilty for going behind Ashley's back but he knew it had to be done. He couldn't turn a blind eye and let the abuse continue. At this rate it didn't look like Ashley was about to tell him anything. She would be so angry at him, he could just imagine it now. In fact, this could destroy everything between them, but it was for Ashley's own good. He knew he had to put her above everything, and that included his own feelings.

"Thank you, (Y/N). Has she shown any other signs that she might be being abused? I need to know all the details before speaking with her about it".

(Y/N) looked down to his lap and nodded, "Yes. When she first started here, she didn't eat properly. She began buying soup at the canteen after I had started to bring her food, she said she didn't want to rely on anyone. She told me she wasn't on a diet, so I always thought that was strange. I also helped her out with her studies because she was very behind. She's really smart, and after I helped her she managed to get back on track but I know it's because of the abuse that she was behind in the first place. Oh, and her mother passed away recently, I know she's suffering because of it."

"From what you have told me it does seem like there is a big problem here, and it needs to be addressed immediately. I will make sure that I get to speak with her today."

"Thanks. And Officer Ral, is it possible that I remain anonymous? I think she will be mad at me for telling anybody, she's very private."

Officer Ral nodded understandingly, "Yes, of course (Y/N). You did the right thing by coming here and telling me about your concerns for Ashley ."

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