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Karkat Vantas jumped when he heard Terezi's voice. He knew if he saw her, everything from his nightmares and hallucinations would appear and she'd be standing there- the most beautiful girl he's met, decaying right before his very eyes. He couldn't take that.
"Terezi, leave me the fuck alone. I don't feel like talking today. Bye."
Terezi Pyrope sighed from the other sighed of the door. However, she would not give up so easily. She wanted- no, needed- to know if he was okay.
"Nice try, Karkat, but there's no way in hell I'm leaving here until I know you're okay."
"Well, whatever. Go the fuck away."
"Karkat, I will literally break in, got it? I am going to get in that room, and you are going to tell me what's wrong."
Silence. Sure, that sounded great, but Karkat couldn't stand seeing Terezi like that again.
"Alright, you leave me no choice." Terezi takes a bobby pin out of her pocket, and works her way to unlock the door, the smell of tears instantly overwhelming her. Something was definitely not right. Her usual grin wasn't present. Instead, she frowned, worried for her dear friend.
A voice that was usually very loud and agitated was replaced with one that was sad, lonely and depressed. "Go away Terezi..."
Terezi sighed, now being able to tell where he was, and kneeling down next to him. "Karkat, what's wrong?"
Silence. Again. She wasn't getting answers out of him this easily.
"Fine, you can sit in silence, but I hope you know I'm not leaving until you tell me what the fuck is wrong."
"Terezi, I really don't want to even look at you right now..." And the second he said that, he regretted it. That was a lie of course, in a sense. If there was a guarantee that he could look at her without seeing her lifeless, cold, dead eyes, he'd be staring at her like she was a fucking goddess.
Terezi was hit by that comment. Hard. Yeah, she may have been nearly positive he didn't feel the same way about her that she did about him, but they were still friends, right?
"Okay, you don't have to. Just tell me what's wrong."
She placed her hand on his back in an attempt to comfort him, and instantly she could tell how unhealthy he had gotten. Yeah, he was usually pretty bony and skinny, but now... It seemed as if he hadn't had anything to eat in years. And that was just what she could feel. She didn't know how bad it actually was.
Karkat's skin had gone pale. And not like how it usually was. There was no color. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messy. His clothes seemed at least three sizes too big for him. He was a wreck.
Karkat took a shaky breath, and Terezi knew that he would start crying. She pulled him into an embrace, in a way that he wouldn't have to look at her. She pet his black hair softly and hummed quietly. She never acted like this. She never let her guard down or her classic grin fall for anyone. Karkat was different.
"Terezi, I saw you," he began after taking a few minutes to calm down and try his hardest not to cry. "and you were dead... Everyone was dead. I don't want to see you like that ever again, but they don't stop."
Terezi noticed how much the tone is his voice had changed. She needed to reassure him everything was okay, and nobody was hurt. She didn't think she could find the words however.
"I thought you killed yourself Terezi..." He spoke at nearly a whisper and it was the most heartbreaking thing Terezi had ever heard.
She held the boy, who was crying quietly, making sure that she still wasn't visible to him. "Karkat... I'm okay. Everyone is okay. No one is going to die, I promise." It definitely wasn't the most reassuring thing she could have said, but it seemed to do the job right. Karkat had stopped crying.
And that was when he finally looked up at her; and instead of finding his loved one dead, he saw the most amazing person he knew staring right back at him. Though they were white and sightless, her eyes seemed to glow the same way her bright red hair did. He felt safe. Happy even.
Karkat sat up and faced Terezi, who was smiling at him. Not her wide, toothy grin, but a genuine, loving smile. And though he fought the urge to do so, he leaned forward and connected their lips together, kissing the girl he had always dreamed of.

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