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Karkat Vantas knew he had fucked up when Terezi Pyrope didn't kiss him back. Instead, he pulled away to find the girl he loved sitting there, wide-eyed and shocked.
"F-fuck, sorry, I-I have to go." Karkat sprung up and walked out into the hall, embarrassed and ashamed. God you are so fucking stupid! Why the hell would you even think she'd kiss you back. Fucking idio-
But he never finished that thought. He was interrupted by the sound of the girl he had just embarrassed himself in front of. She was probably just going to give an excuse to why she didn't kiss back, and he really didn't want to hear it. He was too heartbroken.
"Karkat, wait!"
Terezi Pyrope was just kissed by the person she loved most. And she was too damn shocked to do anything about it, and as a result, he left her.
However she would not give up so easily.
The young girl chased after the boy, eager to fix this. She could hear his footsteps and his shaky breathing, and she was able to eventually catch up to him.
"Karkat, stop!"
"Terezi, I really don't ca-"
Karkat never finished his sentence. Terezi had caught up to him, her hands cupping his face as she joined their lips together.
Karkat didn't understand what was going on. He was confused, depressed and tired one second, and the next, that seemed to all go away. And in that next second, he wrapped his arms around the girl he had admired for so long, holding her closer than ever before, pulling away from the kiss that answered his questions.
"T-Terezi, I-I.. What the fuck just happened?"
Instead of answering, Terezi just laughed, feeling complete and happy in Karkat's arms.
"I guess now would be a good time to tell you I've loved you for so fucking long. I don't know what came over me when I kissed you a few minutes ago, and I'm sorry. You really have no idea how long I've waited to do that."
"Oh, stop worrying about it. Do you really think I would have come back for more if I didn't feel the same way?"
Terezi was all smirks and grins now. She never thought she'd actually kiss Karkat Vantas. And she too, had waited so very long to do so.
Karkat wanted to tell her everything. How fast and easily he had fallen in love with her, how his heart rate sped up whenever she was near, yet he also felt calm and peaceful at the same time, how simply hearing her name could make him smile. Yet he couldn't find the words.
Instead, he leaned down, and softly and slowly kissed her a third time.
He couldn't find the words to tell her how much she meant to him. And neither could she. But over time, they will both learn they were so much more to each other than they thought.

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