please - ashton irwin

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his lips tasted warm and were perfectly sculpted, which explained why his kiss felt like a work of art. he kissed you, kissing tenderly but rough all at the same time. you ran your hands through his gorgeous dirty blonde hair as his arms lingered down to the small of your back. as you came up for air he ran his lips down your neck, biting and sucking as he pleased. "a-ashton, please..."

you felt his smirk against the skin of your collarbone where he had been tracing his teeth and sending shivers all over your body. he moved so his beautiful eyes met yours, his beautiful bright brown eyes. you felt as bashful as could be as he looked all up and down your face. "...what??" you say nervously.

he stares straight into your eyes, "your so fucking beautiful" he growls as he attacks your lips once again. you moaned out loud as you felt his hand trace the thin top of your jeans, begging for more. he laughs a little in between kisses, "eager much?" he jokes as he fumbles with the buttons of your bottoms.

you lean over and suck on the sides of his neck and nibble along his perfect jawline. you bite his ear and he starts to rush his doings. you giggle and blush, "eager much?" you say as you mock him.

he growls a deep throaty growl, and breaks the button off of your jeans. "hey!" you yell out! he laughs evilly as he slides the jeans off of your legs.

"don't worry babe, I'll buy you another pair." you blush at his words. when your jeans are finally off, he comes back up to your lips and starts again with his passionate kissing tease.

you then realize his plan as he slips a finger inside of you. you moan loudly against his lips, bucking your hips against his hand. he moans as he feels your wetness against his hand.

"fucking hell" he groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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