Chapter 21: Tension♥

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You’d think after things didn’t work out with the boy of your dreams you’d be a bit more depressed. But my mood perfectly matched the weather on Tuesday, with the day dawning in that endless type of way: no clear distinction between sunrise, with its streaked skies of orange and pale pink, and mid-morning. I woke up feeling better and more relaxed than I had in days.

Meandering down to the kitchen, I was greeted with a sorry sight. Charlie and Matty were sat around the breakfast table chugging cans of red bull whilst Lucas paced from the table to the fridge and back, muttering to himself and practically buzzing with so much nervous energy I could tell he’d already had at least two of the poison. If it were anybody else I’d have probably been embarrassed at my pyjamas – a pair of ratty looking shorts and a vest top. Instead I just nodded at them and wandered over to the kettle to begin making myself a cup of tea.

“How can you drink that stuff at this time?” I frowned, looking at the clock. “In fact, how can you drink it at any time? It’s disgusting.”

“That, dear sister, is your fundamental mistake. This is fuel and sustenance in a teeny tiny package. And, isn’t your daily cup of tea with your toast basically giving you the same thing?” Charlie replied, leaning back in his chair and taking a knowing sip of the poison. When I looked at him blankly, he just groaned and rolled his eyes. “Caffeine, Autumn, I meant it provides you with caffeine.”

“It’s not the same thing.” I replied, impatiently swishing my teabag around the bottom of the mug with my pinky finger whilst I waited for the kettle to finish. “And forget drinking it at this time, what are you all doing here this early?”

“Band practice,” They all chimed, looking thoroughly depressed.

“How can it be ‘band practice’ without any instruments?” I asked; opening the drawer to retrieve a spoon as the water finished boiling.

“Think of it more as a strategy meeting,” Matty shrugged, finishing his drink and crumpling the can. He aimed it at the bin and threw, missing spectacularly.

“You can pick that up,” I frowned, earning a shrug from Matty as Lucas abruptly stopped his pacing and flopped into the chair opposite Charlie.

“We have no strategy. The semi-final is on Friday. We’re actually doomed.” He groaned, dropping his head into his hands.

“You worry too much,” Matty grins, sliding the chair out and stooping over to pick up the can. Depositing it in the bin, he performs a little mock salute at me, causing me to give him my best withering look.

“And you don’t worry enough,” He retaliates, barely glancing up. I finish pouring my tea and take it over to the table, using my foot to pull out the other chair.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” I offer, warming my hands on the mug. All three of them turn to look at me then, Charlie and Matty disapproving and Lucas peeking through his fingers. “Well, you will, won’t you?”

“How can we do fine? Harley’s Track are playing, and Vegan Police, AND Siege Software.” Charlie complains, drumming his fingers on the table.

“So, they sound like they suck. Their names are awful.” I raise my eyebrows questioningly at Lucas. Out of the three, he seems the one most invested in this.

“At least they have names, even if they do sort of suck. But they’re really good, and they have original songs,” He sounds a strange mixture of wistful and annoyed. All three of them look really down, I realise. I’d been so wrapped up in my own problems that I’d barely noticed that three of my oldest friends were so worried about something.

“Well, so what? Screw the Vegan Detectives and Siege Softie-”

“It’s Vegan Police and Siege Software-”

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