Chapter 24: Superstitions♥

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Every day in the summer holidays feels like Friday night, up until the last week. Then every day is a Sunday.

The last two weeks have passed in a blur of half-forgotten homework and uniform shopping, all bleak reminders of the end of summer. My blue and silver striped tie is knotted in a noose around my bedpost, and every time I look at it I’m tempted to groan.

“At least we’ve got tomorrow night to look forward to,” Halle’s voice brings me out of my reverie, making me realise that I’ve been wiping the same spot on the counter for so long the rag cloth has lost its dampness.

In response, Charlie lets out a sound like what a snort and a sob would produce after a drunken night with no protection, slumping his head down onto his arms.

“Please, don’t remind me,” He mutters, the sound lost in his little arm cave. I exchange a look with Piper, who’s sat on one of the tall swivel chairs at a booth behind him. Her lips are pursed, eyebrows mashed into a straight line and drawn over her eyes.

The past fortnight has been unbearable.

“Will you stop complaining? You guys made it! You’re in the final!” She exclaims, letting out a huff that sends up her newly installed fringe. It’s weird, seeing your friends grow out of their ‘summer’ styles.

It’s almost unnoticeable – the changes that happen are always small, but then suddenly you can’t remember when you last wore shorts, or that everyone around you has cut their hair out of the carefree, sun-bleached styles they’ve worn for weeks.

“You could win a record deal,” I add, dipping the rag in the sink before resuming my cleaning duties, as Jake comes out of the store room wheeling the trolley.

“Who’s winning a record deal?” He asks, grabbing the strawberry slot out of the ice cream bank and loading it onto the trolley, ready to be stored until tomorrow.

“Us, hopefully,” Matty sighs, leaning back against the pastel pink vinyl countertop.

“Don’t lean on the table.” I cut in, flicking water at him so he bolts upright. “And don’t be so negative. Which band are you up against again?”

“Nonsense Candy,” Charlie raises his head, and we all turn to look at him. “And their lead singer is super hot.” Matty and Lucas nod along glumly.

“So what?” Piper asks with a shrug. “You can totally take her,”

“Actually, their lead singer is a boy,” Lucas says, and Charlie grunts in agreement, two bright spots burning in his cheeks. “They have serious power over the female population.”

“So? It’s not like you guys are unattractive,” Jake adds in, prising the chocolate tub out of its slot with a degree of difficulty. Then he stops short, a puzzled look on his face. “Did I just say that out loud?”

“I’m glad we are all able to focus on the aesthetics of each other, regardless of gender,” I cut in, stifling a laugh as I catch Matty blowing an exaggerated kiss in Jake’s direction. “But physical attractiveness doesn’t guarantee a win,”

“But it helps,” Halle adds, prompting me and Piper turn to glare at her. “What?”

“That’s not very helpful,” I say softly, taking the opposite approach from Piper.

“Halle: stop talking,” She commands, and Halle’s mouth snaps closed. Piper is many things, and one of them is outrageously bossy. “What you guys need is a confidence makeover,”

“I’m sorry, but since when have we belonged in a teenage true movie?” Charlie grunts, and Piper gives him a glare that could possibly kill, but instead effectively manages to shut him up.

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