I Want To Be His

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I want to fall for him,

Cuddle him like it's the end of the world.

Look into his brown eyes of sincerity,

get lost in my own reality,

and admire the beauty of love.

I want to make him laugh,

I want him to make me smile.

I want to be his.

Never stop thinking about him,

knowing that I will sleep well every night.

I want this admiration to be strong,

last long,

and feel like I belong.

I don't want to ever be apart,

I want to be a part of his heart,

and feel something that finally feels right.

I want to take him with me in the night,

and stare at the lights of the stars.


A/N: This poem makes me really happy, I felt so dreamy when I wrote this. This poem is about my new crush that made me truly smile and my heart flutter. It's 2 am haha, I'm supposed to be sleeping but this poem is worth it xD

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