Headache and vomit

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* Nina's POV *

I had drunk three more of the mysterious drinks, I had established that I was wasted, I was waving my hands and dancing, I started to feel a bit ill, vomit coming up in my mouth every so often, I didn't want to make a scene so I tried to keep it in.

I ran outside, a few couples were full on making out outside, I tried to keep it is but my stomach couldn't hold it anymore, I puked all over the concrete, I spat, trying to get the horrible taste out of my mouth, the bathrooms were located behind the bar so I walked down the side and got to the back, I swayed a bit and my head felt heavy, my eyesight started to blur and darken before everything went black and the concrete hit my head hit the concrete.

* lukes pov*

The song finished and I opened my eyes, the crowd erupted into apple and whistles. I blushed and smiled, feeing proud of myself and the band, I search for Nina, I wanted to make sure she got home safe, since I noticed she had been extremely intoxicated a few songs ago, my eyes searched the whole room, I couldn't find her even after the lights were turned on, and the crowd was still applauding, I still couldn't spot her. I mumbled "thank you" in to the microphone and followed the other three boys backstage. We failed into a four way hug, patting eachother on the back, "I'm so proud of us" Michael said, smiling widely. I told them I had to take a leak, to go look for Nina. Halfway out the door I noticed a crowd gathered outside the door, they were all facing the group, some were crouched on the ground.

I ran over, suddenly worried that it was Nina, it was, she had a large amount of vomit around her mouth and she was out cold on the ground. " alright people, move away, give her space" I yelled signalling, then to move away, people started waking away while I stayed. I slipped my arm under her neck and another under her legs, lifting her up, she was quite light. I carried her back in to the bar and lay her down on the couch, I was thankful the bar was empty.

I ran over to where the alcohol is served and found some ice in the freezer, I grabbed a few napkins wrapping the ice inside it, I walked back over to Nina, I held the ice against her forehead.

After half an hour or so, she begun to wake up, I was so exhausted. " Luke?" She asked, groggily, " hey" I replied, I gave her a soft smile, I was trying to say I was sorry, for well, being a jerk the past week or so.

*Nina's  pov*

The lights were so bright, why couldn't someone turn them off, what the hell??

Why is my forehead numb?

I blinked again, trying to get used to the light, squinting I made out that Luke was sitting next to me, " Luke ? " I asked softly, I was so confused, why was I still at the bar?

Memories flooded in, I remembered throwing up, and then falling over, it seemed like a lifetime ago when all of these event occurred, " hey" Luke said, he smiled, but he looked pained, as if he felt sorry for me or something, more importantly, why was Luke, the one who I got the vibe he hated me, holding melting ice on my forehead and was the only one here with me? I began sitting up, feeling like I was gonna throw up, " no, don't sit up so fast" Luke said quickly, a concerned look gathering on his beautiful face, " I'm gonna throw up" I yelled, fumbling around to find something to let it out into, "here!" Luke yelled, while handing me a large, silver bowl, a retched, until finally it was all gone. " I am never drinking again" I laugh, while I spit the horrible taste into the bowl, Luke begins rubbing my back, " that's probably ideal" he laughs back.

" we should probably get you home, your mom must be so worried" Luke stands up, grabbing his guitar and swinging the bands over him and around his shoulder, " oh she's not home, she went to visit her mom in San Francisco for the weekend" I say, closing my eyes with the pain that talking caused. " you are coming to mine" Luke says, sitting back down on the ottoman. " uhhhh" I slur, " no buts Nina, I don't want to be worrying about you all night" he says, obviously another way of saying end of story.

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