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Luke carried me up the stairs to his front door, he slipped his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door, he lowered me down and I let myself put all my weight into his shoulder, he almost lost his balance, but thankfully the doorway saved him. " you gotta be quiet, I don't want to wake my parents" he whispers, I nod and we walk through his house, up the stairs and slip into his room, thankfully his parent sleep downstairs.

He guides me over to his bed, setting his guitar down on his small couch, his room is huge, lots of posters covering his walls, he has a tv a couch and a balcony, identical to mine. " the bathroom is just there" he says, pointing to a door in his room, " tell me if your hungry or whatever and I'll get you something" he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck. I slowly get up, and make my way to the bathroom, I am totally busting to go pee, turning the tap on so he wouldn't hear how much liquid was flowing out of me.

I wash my mouth out with some mouthwash and quietly open the door, back into his room. Luke is on the balcony, only in underwear and socks, I blush, and make my way over to his bed, I peel off my dress and help myself to one of his large tshirts after searching in a few of his jumbled drawers, I walk out to the balcony, I lean my arms over the edge, staring into the ocean, I close my eyes and breath in the salty smell. I feel his gaze upon me and slowly open my eyes, he doesn't break the gaze, as he sees me notice he smiles, the same one he did in the bar, " you should get some sleep" he adds softly, holding his hand out to hold, he ushers me inside and helps me get into bed, he gets in too, playing with his phone for a minute before staring at me once more, " what?" I ask, I was slightly amused by the look on his face, " your so beautiful you know" he says, smiling that same, soft grin. " you aren't too bad yourself" I say, blushing a tomato red colour. I close eyes, as he snuggles down into the bed. Then a feel his hands touch my waist, he continued, pulling me into an embrace, my arms are awkwardly doing nothing so I embrace him back, letting the tingly feeling rush through my body, my stomach and heart flutter, my head spinning once more, he pulls his head away looking into my eyes, we are so close, our noses are touching, I can feel his short breaths brush over my skin, tickling a little. His heart is beating so fast, mine matching his, Luke slowly edges closer, his eyes breaking away from my eyes, changing to intently watching my lips, I copy him, noticing how plump and perfect his lips are, and how badly I wanted to kiss them.

All at once, his lips collide with mine, and it's like a car crash, it happens so fast, electricity whizzes through me, leaving me energised and buzzing, he kisses me hard, his tongue begging for entrance, I accept, letting his explore my mouth, our tongues touch each other's and I feel electrified once more, his hand moves from my waist down to my bum, lightly squeezing, I pull him closer, deepening the kiss even more, he rolls me on top of him, both hands squeezing my ass at this point, I open my eyes, and he does too, we just stare, into each other's eyes and that's when I realise, I'm home

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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