Chapter 27~

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“Yes Sirius.”


I laughed.

Sirius had just asked me if Harry whooped Voldemort’s butt.

Practically my whole family was there.

Lupin, Sirius, mum, and dad. The only person who wasn’t there was Harry.

He got to leave early unlike me.

My leg still was aching.

“I have to ask you guys something.” I said.

“What?” They all chorused making me chuckle.

“What do you think about the Malfoy’s?” I asked.

Sirius looked at me as though I was crazy.

Lupin just stared at me and my mother and father raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t know, I try to avoid Lucius ever since I met him in my first year. Professor Snape had introduced us. He was a sullen man. I wasn’t too fond of him. And Narcissa, well she wasn’t the quirky one in her family let’s keep it at that.” My mother said.

“I didn’t talk to Slytherin’s.” Sirius and my dad recited.

I gave them a half smile, I had expected that answer from them.

“I never really knew any of the Malfoy’s. Draco was in my DADA class in his third year, he was a good student always did his work and what not.” Lupin said.

“Why do you ask sweetie?” Mum said.

I set my hands to my sides and pushed myself up so I was sitting up.

“You have to promise you won’t be mad at me. Especially you Sirius, you will be upset the most I think.” I said.

Sirius frowned. “Tell me princess.”

I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, “Draco Malfoy… is my boyfriend.”




Aaaah! Can't belevie it but her third year is over!

IK you are all proably crying... or cheering... or dancing or whatever you do when a story is over but...


This story is far from over!

You can tell cuz i kinda leave you guys hanging at the end...

The next chapter will pick up in her fourth year and in Draco's fifth year.

Yep that's right it's Mama Umbridge time!

I hope you guys like what i'm doing with this and i hope i'll never have to stop writting on EP because i enjoy writing it as much as you enjoy reading it believe it or not!

Thanks so much for supporting EP you guys mean everything to me!

Luv ya,


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