Chapter 34- Part 2

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*Draco's P.O.V.*

"She's unresponsive." Madame Pomfrey told me.

I sighed as Madame Pomfrey exscused herself to call Emma's family.

I kissed her cold lips and played with her hair.

"I love you so much Emma, if you leave me on this earth alone, I will personaly come get you in heaven and kick your *ss." I whispered to her smiling.


I sighed and sat back in my chair.

Just then Harry busted into the room.

"YOU!" He yelled lunging at me.

"MR.POTTER!" Madame Pomfrey yelled.

Harry stoped punching me to look at Madame Pomfrey.

"Yes Madame Pomfrey?"

"I wouldn't be punching your sister's saviour if I were you." She said smiling at me.

Thank goodness she came before he could do any real damage to me.

I just had a bloody lip.

"You saved Em?" Harry asked me.

I nodded.

And then Harry did something I'd never dreamed he would do.


He pulled away. "You really love her?"

"More than you can imagine." I said nodding.

Harry sighed and went to the other side of Emma's bed. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Sit." Harry said.

I sat in the chair on the oppisite side of her bed so Emma was in the middle of Harry and I.

I gave him a smirk.

"Don't push it Malfoy." He said smiling.

Harry grabbed one of Emma's hands and I grabbed the other.

Harry and I held hands over Emma's stomach.

It was kind of odd.

But I went with it.

I'll do anything for her.

Harry started mumbling an inaudible prayer and I said a prayer in my head.

Well it wasn't exactly a prayer, I was pleading, but not to God.

I was pleading to her.

Hopping she could hear me and know how much it would hurt me if she dissapeared from this earth.

Even if she doesn't want to be with me, if she's alive, that's all I need.

Just her to respond to anything.

"Emma, listen to me." I whispered in her ear Harry stoped praying to listen to me to.

"I know I've said it a million times and I know your probably sick of it, but I'm in love with you." I said. "And if you die... I don't see the point of living, your my everything. I know things have been strained, and maybe it's because I'm afraid of you getting hurt, but I only want whats best for you. But if you come out of this alive... I'll let you call the shots." I finished.

We looked at her. Waiting. Wondering what was going on her head.

Finally, she smiled.

It was a small smile, but she showed that she can hear us.

Harry grinned and I grinned back.

"She's just stubborn." He said.

"As stubborn as the come. But that's one thingh I love about her." I said.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I don't know how you live with her."

"What are you talking about, she's... perfect." I said

Her smle grew a bit wider.

"She's full of herself." Harry said smiling.

Madame Pomfrey re-entered the room.

"Your parent's should be here soon." She told Harry and then looked at Emma.

She jumped. "She wasn't smiling before was she?"

"No" Harry and I said together.

She smiled. "You two are good." She said and then gave Em some medicine.

"This should spark her nerve system, and reboot her brain, it has very little oxygen righ now because of her lack of breath." Madame Pomfrey said and then walked back to her office.

"What happened to her?" Harry asked me.

I knew this question was coming and I had been so nervous about it.

I didn't know what happened to her.

I just know that when I found her it was a horrible sight.

Her mouth was open and she was gasping for air.

Her face was bloody and she was looking right at me but it's like she couldn't recognize me.

Her eyes were wide with fear and every few seconds she would have a spasm.

It was horrible I would never be able to unsee it.

"I don't know." I told him.

"That's ok we will just ask her when she wakes." Harry said.

I hope so.



I hear his voice again, and I smile again.

I don't know what he's saying but just his voice soothes me.

I know he's close because I can feel his breath on my neck.

And I love the feeling.

I can see his face behind my closed eyelids and I see his lips moving.

His words don't matter to me.

Just his company.

I know other people are there but all I want is him.

"Draco." I whisper.

I feel him rub my arm.

That's a sign I'm getting better.

This is the first time my body has allowed me to talk.

"I love you." I sighed.

"I love you more." He says.

It's the first time i can hear the words clearly.

I try to open my eyes longing to see his actual face.

But my body does not allow it, it tell's me I more rest and then it'll let me open my eyes.

A day. It says.

I sigh inwardly and tell my body ok.

I feel sore and my stomach is brusied and i'm pretty sure I have some broken ribs.

I have a major headache, but when he talks to me all these things disappear.

"You'll be better very soon." He says.

I smile at this and attempt to nod but I fail.

Or my body makes me fail rather.

At least I'm breathing.

I tell myself.

At least I'm breathing.

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