Chapter 38 Ams

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1 week passed
Manik applied leave and staying in home and doing work from home and taking care of nandini
New morning
Both woke up and fresh up and went and had breakfast with raj and talking to each other and waiting for ams
While all are talking ams came and shocked to see nandini and got angry
Ams : nandini
All turned and saw ams
Nandini slowly got with help of manik and went to ams and was going to hug her .
Seeing nandini in that state ams got another shock
Ams don't know about nandinis pregnancy

But ams stopped her and said Ams: what is this nandini Nandini is not understanding what ams is talking Nan: what ams Ams : nandini what dress are u wearing and what is this ( pointing towards her tummy) Nan: ( understood ) oh ams I forgot to say ...

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But ams stopped her and said
Ams: what is this nandini
Nandini is not understanding what ams is talking
Nan: what ams
Ams : nandini what dress are u wearing and what is this ( pointing towards her tummy)
Nan: ( understood ) oh ams I forgot to say that I am pregnant and now is my 5 th month
Man: hello ams and u r grand daughter is becoming mother ams
Ams: nandini u became pregnant without getting married and with whose child u became pregnant
All are shocked listening to ams and nandini was fully shocked
Nan: ams what are u saying I love manik and I getting married to manik and the child is mine and maniks
Ams: nandini I am feeling very shameful to say u as my grandchild first of all before marriage u became pregnant and now ur marrying .
Nandini was crying listening to ams words
Man: what are u saying ams we loved each other and we are just marrying for society that's all and we thought that u will come and we will ask u r permission
Nan: s ams
Ams : shut up nandini u lost that right to call me ams
Nandini was crying so much manik was helding her
Ams : I will never agree for this marriage and u r not my grand daughter any more
Nan: y ams plz ams agree ams plz and I am ur grand child ams
Ams : OK if u want me to agree u as my grand child na
Nan: s
Ams : ok then on one condition I will agree
Nan: tell me
Ams : u should leave manik and u should abort the child and then only I will agree u as my grand child
Manan were shocked and all were equally shocked
Nandini was going to fall but manik held her tight
Nan: ams I can't leave manik because he is my love and my husband and I can't live without him and how can u say that ams to abort child .that child is my life ams and how I can abort my child .I am a mother and the child is our true love and our life ams .
Ams : u r wish then I will not agree that u r my grandchild
Nan: said sternly : OK ams if u don't agree then its okay and I am very happy and I don't want to be with a people who talk abt my child and my husband in a bad way OK then bye and plz don't come to me again and u will not consider me or not but ur and u will b my ams only and please go
Nan: mannu pls take me to room na I want u sleep plz
Man: OK
Manik took nandini to their room
Ams immediately left that place and went back

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