Chanyeol POV

This is terrible.

I run as hard as I can. I did try to find a ride but unfortunately, it was too lonely this night. My heart is racing without a pitch. This is all my fault. Baekhyun is not like that. I know he was suffering not only outside but pretty much broken in the inside. I'm very worried about Kim. God, keep her strong! I know Kim is strong. I'm so sorry. I should have noticed it somehow. Everything is going crazy! Damn my schedule, time gives me the hardest pressure I've endured. If only I could have time the both of them, this won't happen. I'm so stupid! If I could knew, I shouldn't have time for sleep and instead, I can spare it for Baekhyun. Maybe, I shouldn't have time for rest and instead, I will spare it for my love, Kim. I'm so selfish! I'm the one should be punished! I deserve all their pain! I deserve it!

Finally, I found her lying in the ground. I immediately hug her as tight as I can. "God, oh Kim" I cried. "What have I done?" Chen notify me Baekhyun went missing and I received a concerned fan calling that she saw my girlfriend being struggled and harassed. I hold her tight because I'm afraid her broken pieces will fall apart. She's so cold and she's trembling around my arms. She tried to hug me but she lost her strength. She just look straight into my eye and tears start falling through her chicks. I can't look at her like this. I don't even think I have the right to be angry.

"Kim!" I smiled and encourage her to be strong, "I'm here darling". I keep fixing the messy strands of her hair and slowly grip the tips of her fingers. It was so fragile.

"You stupid derp" I can't believe she can still manage to smile at me. "Is that slut better than I am?" she laughed and her tears were just keep falling. I realized she caught me the other night. I feel so ashamed. "Oh Kim" I cried, "Don't forgive me" my voice was finally shaken. "Don't you forgive me"

Kim cup my cheeks with her cold hand and said, "But please forgive me, Chanyeol. I'm not considerate in every way I can" She hug me so tight that she is afraid to let go. "I miss you so much Chanyeol! I'm afraid that I can't remember how you love me or the sound of your voice. 6 years had been so tough. You don't know how I survive those years without you." "Baekhyun had me, Chanyeol. He set me up to have a date with him and paid to take our pictures and make a scandal. I'm scared" she rested her head on my chest.

I slowly touch her face and I kiss her lips as soft as I can. "Don't worry, I got you"

I offer her my back. "Get on" I said. I gave her a piggy back ride and I slowly take her home into her bed and stay beside with her until she'll fall asleep.

Baekhyun POV

Hospital was nasty. It makes me worse.

I went to the SM Entertainment to have my own practice. I'm quite alone in the building. It's always perfect as it was so quiet and lonely. I went to the practice room, on the player and dance as hard as I can. Dance is not my forte but I'm trying to tire up myself until I'll collapse.

"Baek! We're not done yet!" Finally, he's here. He push me hard into the ground and shouted, "Let me help you! You asshole!" He punch me to the ground and I fight back. I elbow his throat and get over with him, trying to take back those punches. Chanyeol grab my collar and I grab his but with all my anger, I carried him and throw in the ground. I kick him as hard as I can.

"Where are you Yeol?" I shouted and he groan in his pain. "You said you'll protect me! You said you'll be there for me! You said you're gonna help me! HOW! HOW!!! huh!"

I fell on my knees and I can't help but to tear up for what have I done.

"I know you're with Kim" I sigh, "But don't you forget me, Yeol. It hurts to be forgotten. And how stupid! Why would you cover all my shows for me? Our other members can handle it! Why are you taking it up all yourself! you jerk! You're hurting Odessa the same way you hurt me! Stupid!"

Chanyeol tried to stand up but he just curl upon his knees and tried to talk despite that pain he had. "Be-because I'm guilty, Baek"

I catch up my breathe and just stare into his soul.

"I hit you Baek. I'm the one who drove the vehicle" he cried, "You don't know how much I felt to see my best friend lying in the ground, running out of blood and helplessly lay in the cold ground! I was traumatized Baek! You should blame me! You should punish me stupid! Why did you set up for Kim! MAKE A SCANDAL OF ME! DISGRACE ME BAEK! DISHONOR ME BAEK! TAKE AWAY MY JOB! DESTROY ME!!!!!" he shouted so hard. "Just don't. Don't hurt Kim, please."

This is wrong

"Fine!" I firmly said, "If that's what you want! Should I break your bones? HUH! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT". I came closer, closer and closer with him. "But I can't, Yeol" I cried and hug him in his back because I can't help looking at him. "I'm so sorry. You should have told me earlier. I would even like to thank you for that accident, I had a great time for rest."

We both laughed and touch our foreheads, close our eyes and hold our heads toward each other. We had this rare moment of understanding each other and we hug tightly but sincerely.

"There's one thing we should solve it out, Yeol" I whispered into his ear.

"I know" he said, "my happy virus' birthday tomorrow"

"And apparently, she's also my garden bee" I laughed as I saw Chanyeol's reaction, "Aigoo! of course, I'm not stealing her"

"You mischievous brat!" he rub my hair and laughed.

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