10- 1...2...3...4...Let's do it once more

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A/N This is a bridge chapter just so you know, the next one will be longer, better, and filled with drama ;) Enjoy.

Picture to the side is of the infamous Matthew.

When I stopped singing and opened my eyes, I had expected Mason and Chase to be the only ones looking at me; instead I opened them to see an entire cafeteria full of people on their feet.

It wasn’t like everyone was standing however, just that the amount was far more than I had ever thought possible...twenty or thirty kids stood on their feet clapping while the others just looked around confused, trying to find the source of their applause.

Standing were guys and girls of varying age, social class, and teenage stereotype...there were jocks, cheerleaders, skaters, smokers, musicians, artists, geeks, emos...it wasn’t just limited to one type of person. It was everyone.

And it was amazing.

When their applause faded, I smiled sheepishly, my cheeks flashing pink as I pushed off the edge of the table and began to head towards Mason and Chase...praying that I had managed to do something right for once.

...Even though homosexuality was wrong.

“Hey” I greeted stuffing my hands deep into my pockets.

Chase looked at Mason smiling this wide grin; Mason just glared back at him. “Hey” he replied gruffly.

Chase rocked back and forth on his heels as he asked us “So...are you two going to grow some balls or what?”

We both looked at him.

“What are you talking about?” asked Mason, but I had a feeling that he knew exactly what he meant.

“Look, I’m not going to say it for you, so either you grow some balls, or you” he said pointing to me “admit that you were wrong”

“That I was wrong?!” I shrieked.

“You fucking killed him! You beat him to fucking death just because he was gay!” screamed Mason, and try as I might I couldn’t help but to see the tears sparkling his eyes.

He still loved him, and nothing I could say would be able to make it any better.

“Homosexuality is wrong!” I countered.

“And you’re gay!”

“Yeah I fucking am!” I cried out with all my might.

The entire cafeteria was silent as my voice rang over the tables; Echoing in the silence. Mason just stared at me shocked, Chase was smiling, and I was just having a small panic attack as my heart beat rapidly in my chest.

Come on say something I pleaded.

But he just looked at me...blank.

Chase glanced between the two of us and sighed deeply. “Oh fuck it. Look Colin tomorrow there’s a masquerade party at my house, you’re invited...Mason will be there too, and the two of you will grow the fuck up” he stated bleakly before turning away.

Leaving me standing in a sea of people I didn’t know, with my heart at my feet.


“You know Mason...I came here today to prove to you that I was willing to be with you, that you aren’t the punch line to some joke I’ve told my friends...I did that, now it’s your turn” I stated, as I exited the cafeteria feeling as though a new weight had just been added to my shoulders.

Mason’s POV

I stared at Colin’s retreating form while part of my brain yelled at me to go after him...and I would have, if my heart hadn’t been yelling at me to beat the shit out of him.

I didn’t know what to listen to anymore, I felt like I had split it two.

It was so much easier before when Colin was just a monster on the T.V screen,  but now I knew him, I knew his laugh, his smile, the inside of his mouth I knew him and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t make him that monster again.

He was human now...just as human as Matthew had been.

....Which was the problem...

I closed my eyes breathing deeply, knowing that tomorrow would be the deadline for my decision.

...Matthew or Colin.

God, I never thought I’d ever have to choose between the two, and to anyone looking at the situation I’d probably look insane even contemplating them. But it wasn’t as simple as Colin being the one to kill Matthew. There was more to this than just one violent act. There was Colin’s back ground, religious parents who raised their child to believe that homosexuality was the ultimate sin. There was today, Colin came all the way down here to say how he felt in front of everyone who could possibly here him....and then there was Matthew who made me promise never to hate Colin.


He was one of a kind, that’s for sure; he could always believe the good in someone even if there was no good to believe in. And when it came to Colin he was always the first to defend him even though Colin constantly degraded him, calling him a fag. When I asked Matthew he said that it was because he knew what it was like...I didn’t know what he meant, but the look in his eyes dared me to question him.

“Hey Mason” Matthew began softly, as his hand played with my fingers absently.


“Can you promise me something?”

“Of course” I replied, I would promise him anything, the world, my love, me...forever.

“Don’t hate Colin...ever”

“What!?” I shrieked, completely caught off guard “You can’t be serious”

“I am” he stated.


“Because...” he began softly “I know what it’s like...”

I was about to question what he meant, but when I looked at him, I knew that to question him would be a big mistake. So instead I nodded my head.

Like I said, I would promise him anything.

He smiled at me, before leaning over to give me a quick peck on the lips, but I held him there, and deepened the kiss; Wishing that we could just stay like this forever, in the safety of each other’s arms.

Colin’s POV

I hated the way Mason looked at me even though I deserved it. I had killed his boyfriend Matthew, it was cruel and inhuman. I was a monster that day and there was nothing I could say or do, that could convince him that I wasn’t one anymore. I would always be the one who took him away, always be the one who ended his life.

And I could wish forever that there was some way to change that, but there wasn’t. And no amount of apologies could fix this, all I could do was try to prove that things were different now and hope for the best.

But I was running out of ideas, and I had a feeling that my last chance would be tomorrow at the masquerade party.

If only Mason was Joey, this would be so much easier.

Oh well, I’ll just have to wait.

And cross my fingers that Joey doesn’t dress me up like a hooker again.

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