Chapter 5

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Frisk's POV

"We uh, we used to be best friends till one day she confessed her real feelings for me, and I didn't like her like that. Ever since she's acted like that towards me." Sans explained. Grillby came back with my fries and two bottles of ketchup. I guess they were for Sans. "So you didn't feel the same way about her and that caused her to act like that?" I asked Sans still confused. "Yep." Sans said chugging one of the bottles of ketchup. I nodded as I ate my fries. As we finished eating, Sans told Grillby to put it on his tab before going back home. It was only 6:00 PM, so Sans and I just talked. Until the topic of me having somewhere to go came back up. "So ya sure you don't have a place to go kid?" He asked me. "Well.. When I first fell down I met a Goat Lady that invited me over to her house. She even gave me my own room and told me I could stay for as long as I wanted. I really liked that place, but I wanted to continue exploring. So while Goat Mom attended to some business, I came out into the woods. Then I met you... Kinda." I giggled as I told him. "Heh. Well if you want to go back we can try to look for her." Sans said looking kina sad. "Actually, she gave me her phone number in case of an emergency, but I must've dropped my phone somewhere." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "I can ask Al if she will getcha a new phone." Sans said suggestively. I nodded as he headed off into his room. I turned on the TV as I waited for him. He came back down about 2 minutes later. We just sat in silence watching TV until there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I said going for the door. I opened it to see Alphys outside. "Hey Al. Come in." I said letting her step inside. Once inside she handed me a phone. "H-H-Here Frisk. S-Sans told me y-you could use a new p-phone." Alphys said stuttering like usual. I took the phone from her hand and said "Thanks Alphys!". I gave her a hug before she started talking again. "I-Its nothing. W-well I have to g-go now. B-bye!" Al said walking out the door and shutting it behind her. I looked at the phone in my hand. I turned it on as I walked back into the living room. "I'm guessing it was Alphys, huh kid." Sans said patting the spot next to him on the couch. "Yeah. She gave a new phone. And I'm almost certain I remember Toriel's number!" I said excited. Sans looked at me confused and said "uh, who's Toriel?". "Oh. She's Goat Lady." I responded. He nodded. I was about to dial in Toriel's number, when I remembered I wasn't sure where I was exactly. "Uh.. Sans? What is this town called?" I asked him. "Snowdin. Our house is pretty much at the end of the town." Sans responded. I nodded as I pushed the 'call' button. On the third ring, she picked up. "Hello? Who is this?" She asked. "Hey Toriel. Its me, Frisk." I said into the phone. "Ah, my child. I've been so worried. Where are you?" Toriel asked me. "I'm at Snowdin. In the Skeleton Brothers' house." I told her. "Alright my child. I shall be there soon." Toriel said before hanging up.
"So?" Sans asked me. "She's on her way to come for me." I said. I could tell Sans wasn't too happy. "Oh." He said sadly. I pulled him into a hug before going to pack my things in my backpack. As I was coming back downstairs, Papyrus was sitting next to Sans on the couch. "HUMAN. I'VE HEARD YOU HAVE TO GO." Papyrus said to me sadly. I nodded as I walked down the stairs. He pulled me into a hug before walking off into his room. I sat next to Sans on the couch. He looked up at me and handed me a piece of paper. It had his phone number on it. I quickly saved it into my phone but still kept the paper anyways. "Hey Sans.. Thanks for letting me stay here, and for listening to me. I really appreciate it." I said smiling at him. "Heh.. Its nothing kid. If ya ever need anything, you have my number. Friends?" Sans asked me. "Best friends." I replied.
He smiled at me and we hugged each other until there was a knock on the door.

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