Chapter 13

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Frisk's POV

"And it is.?" Undyne asked Sans. "Well we could just watch movies. Scary ones." He said with a smirk. We all agreed as Sans and Papyrus went into the kitchen to prepare snacks. "What movie?" I asked Undyne and Alphys. "Well, I brought some movies, in case we had absolutely no idea of what to do." Undyne said going to her bag. She brought 3 movies. The options were The Purge, Conjuring, and The Witch. "I-I haven't seen C-conjuring" Alphys said. "Me neither. Let's watch that one!" I said as Undyne passed it to Alphys so she could put it on as she put away the other ones. As Alphys put on the movie Sans and Papyrus came out from the kitchen. Sans was holding two big bowls of popcorn as Papy was holding a small one. "Hey Frisk you don't mind sharing right?" Sans asked me. "Not at all." I said patting the seat next to me on the couch. He nodded while handing Undyne a bowl of popcorn. He sat next to me. Papyrus had brought down bean bags for them to sit it. Undyne and Alphys sat next to each other as Papy sat a few feet away from them. Sans and I had the couch to ourselves. I was sitting at the end, while Sans was a bit more towards the middle. During the movie our hands would awkwardly touch trying to grab popcorn, and we both pulled away blushing. Or at least I was blushing. Once the movie ended it was 8:56 PM. We all sat up except for Papyrus, who had fallen asleep. Sans used his magic to pick him up. "I'll be back." He said teleporting away into Papyrus's room.
"Hey Frisk.. We saw that." Undyne started. "What?! Saw what?" I said confused. "The way Sans was checking you out. While we were talking and you got up to get your phone. He couldn't keep his eyes off ya." Undyne said with a smirk. I began blushing a tomato red. "Okay guys I'm back." Sans said walking down the stairs. I blushed even more now that I knew that. Undyne noticed and began laughing uncontrollably. "What did I miss out on? I wasn't even gone for two minutes!" Sans said. Undyne finally stopped laughing. "Oh nothing. Right Frisk?" She said glancing at me. I just nodded and I felt my face return to normal.
"S-so now w-what are we gonna d-do?" Alphys asked. "I have an idea. Its pretty stupid though." I said looking down. "Surely its not bad. What is it?" Undyne asked. "Well, we could play like What Am I and see who the real guessing champion is." I cringed at my own idea. "T-that doesn't s-sound bad Frisk." Alphys said. "Yeah.. I'll show you who the real guessing champ is!" Undyne said. "Okay. We can have four rounds. Two against two then the the winners play against each other and the losers play against each other." I explained. "Let's go Alphys!" Undyne said. "That leaves me and you to go against each other then." I said to Sans.
Since we didn't have the actual game, we just wrote something on a paper and taped it to our foreheads. (Ex: Frisk wrote 'comedian' for Sans, as he wrote 'trombone' for Frisk.)
Sans and I went up into his room for our round as Undyne and Alphys stayed in the living room. We sat on the bed and began asking questions. "Am I a person?" Sans asked for his first turn. "Uh, yeah.. Kinda. Am I an object?" I asked back. "Yep. Am I your boyfriend?" Sans asked smirking. I immediately started blushing a tomato red. "Sans! No.. You're not.." I said calming down a bit. "Am I something that can be found in your house?" I asked. "That sucks kid. Yeah, I own it." Sans said still smirking. I began blushing a bit. I knew Sans would have written something punny, so I think I knew what I was. "Am I a trombone?" I asked smirking. "Ah, yep kid. Looks like ya won this round." Sans said winking. "Let's head downstairs to see if they have a winner yet." I said getting up from the bed. Sans nodded as I went to open the door.
"Frisk wait." Sans said now standing from the bed. I turned around and spoke "Yeah?" Before I could even react Sans had teleported right in front of me. He trapped me against the wall with a smirk. "Sans what are you doin-" I was interrupted by Sans putting a finger on my lips as if saying 'shhh'. "Frisk, you're beautiful." He said inching closer. My face was now a tomato red once again. I was able to move my arms so I quickly covered my blushing face and ran to Sans' bed. Still covering my face I sat down leaning against one of the walls. "STAAWP IT SANS!" I said practically yelling at him but still keeping a bit quite hence Papyrus was sleeping. "But you're cute ya know." Sans said sitting next to me uncovering my face. I calmed down a bit with his soothing voice. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I take back about me being calm.
"C'mon let's go downstairs. They're probably waiting for us." Sans said calmly. "O-okay." I said following him out of the room.
"About time punks!" Undyne said as we came down the stairs.
"S-s-so who w-won?" Alphys asked. "I-I did." I answered. "HA! It looks like its you against me kid!" Undyne said already writing something down on a piece of paper. I did the same as Alphys and Sans did too.

{Time Skip brought to you by Mettaton's sexy legs}

"I told ya I was the best guesser!" Undyne said posing dramatically in victory. I came in second, Sans in third and Alphys in last. I glanced at phone for the time- 11:02 PM. I was surprisingly tired.
"Guys wanna sleep? I'm pretty tired. Down to the bone." I said winking. "Heh. Nice one kid. I'll get the sleeping bags." Sans said winking back at me before going to get the bags. I blushed a bit as I recalled our 'moment' earlier.
Sans came back with sleeping bags and handed one to all of us. We all scattered in the living room. "Night" was the only thing heard before the lights went off.

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